June Potter
Dear friends, let us look at the two principles operating in the world today. We have the principle of rebellion which is the principle of satan. And then we have the principle of obedience which is the principle of Jesus Christ. Every person lives his life by one or the other of these two principles whether it is recognized or not. Maybe this seems to be far fetched to some but think about it for a moment. If we are born again children of the Lord and are giving our all so as to grow in His grace, wisdom and knowledge we surely would have seen that the Word of God expects us to be obedient to His ways which is the ultimate truth. With the help of the Holy Spirit the Word is made alive unto us, which in turn opens our eyes to what is right and wrong. As we reach out in faith to the Lord, desiring to be an obedient child so we are following the principle of obedience which will bring forth that of good fruit. By being obedient we are those who uphold His authority. He made it possible for us to live our new life…how? By trusting in what His Word says and then doing it regardless of the pull of the flesh which often times wants us to go in an opposite direction. You see the Lord Jesus Christ, the obedient One…He was obedient unto death… now lives in us. The Bible says in 2 Cor. 13 v 5 “Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ, is in you…?” Because we have the Lord Jesus Christ living in us, we have the power to obey God. But remember, our obedience is not automatic. Even our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had to choose to be obedient to the Father, which He was. It says in His Word “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 2 v 5. So you see we are shown that we are not alone in our walk or in trying to be obedient. He is in us thus we are able to experience His on going power. What we are actually conveying to the Lord is this. “Please Lord let your will be done.” Let us look now at the basic principle of the world which is that of rebellion. Remember, although we are in this world still as His beloved children, we are not of it. So often we become perplexed at times by the way in which others behave. But really we should not be as they are not saved and walk differently to us. The Word of God means nothing to them even if they have read through the Bible and this is because their spirit is not alive unto Him. Please understand it is of no use getting angry or upset with unsaved people concerning the Lord and the Bible, they are blind and will continue to be so until their lives are in Jesus Christ and they are born again. The Bible speaks of “the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience” Eph. 2 v 2. That spirit is the spirit of satan himself and it manifests itself in rebellion against God and against His Son. This attitude of the world is expressed in Psalm 2 v 2. “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed.” This heart attitude of rebellion against God and His authority expresses itself in lawlessness. The Bible says that the world will become more and more lawless as we approach the end of this age. Many who profess to be Christians have never repented of their sins. They are still living their lives by the principle of rebellion and they will not be accepted by the Lord Jesus Christ. One can read this in Matthew 7 v 21 to 23. So now we can see and hopefully understand what is actually going on in this messed up world. It is either that of obedience and reverence unto our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ or it is that of rebellion and disobedience brought on by serving the devil. When walking in this way, one is saying “I will have my own way!” Surely it is time to ponder on the ways of the Word and our relationship with the Lord? We have to choose and time is going by so fast that when you feel the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart strings, be obedient and turn in faith to Him, knowing today is the day of salvation!
Be blessed friends.
June Potter
We need to ask the Jewish people trapped in Egypt for 400 years what slavery is all about. We are robbed of WHO we are, Our personality & Our Joy, Our Peace non existent. The amazing thing is how we as peoply so easily adapt to being a slave. The Jews said to Moses "YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFTUS IN EGYPT"
June Potter
Within the mind and the spirit of man resides the ability to take charge of all that descends upon one from without. Moments of discouragement can turn a beautiful day into a nightmare which seems to lock one down in all areas. The “if only” syndrome smashes through inner doors that were closed due to been free from their pathetic on going sagas. Anger wells up turning the calm, peaceful bliss experienced into raging thunderous storms and so pulling the mind into a forceful inner argument against those who hurt, rejected and turned away from you for whatever reason. If lightning bolts were available with a simple twist of the hand, then no doubt, all in their way would be scorched and forever removed from the face of the earth, which actually deep within, is the inner face and mind of your own personal, private world!! As the dark ominous clouds filter in as if from no where over your head, so depression begins to cloud every tranquil thought you may have had before the invasion of the enemy of the mind. A spirit of gloom overshadows the minutes, hours and at given times the days at hand, leaving one depleted of energy and strength in all areas plus a desire to leave this now harsh world with its monsters of untold misery. Life is not worth the effort…beauty and joy have forsaken one and the rush of the icy cold waters of inner defeat leave one, not only chilled but frozen in time. No one knows…no one sees…for there are so few in tune to the inner spirit of another. After all life is about self and self gain…striving to be the best…the one who is noticed in the crowd. Life is centered on “my world” and all who are crying and slowly dying within are but a burden to be tossed aside…they must know their place. The place in the shadows…forgotten! Turn the inner anger which so often is but total frustration into a collective setting of imaginary moments thus giving them the inner ability to soar and find their own distinct expression of writing and paintings of the creative spirit lying dormant within. Defeat and then totally destroy the monster who, without warning, without invitation, stole your moments of peace, hours of tranquility and even days of inner freedom filled with the beauty of cascading joy flowing as a river within each and every area of who you are. Arise…arise and be bold. As bold as the lion who dictates his authority by his presence amongst the kingdom of the animals, given and brought into being by the divine hand and words of amazing, on going love. Fearless due to the inner knowledge of who and what he knows himself to be, so all submit in respect for his inner dignity radiating forth without one need of his deep roar of warning. Arise…stand firm and slay the dragon within the mind of fast moving random thoughts. Take up your sword, move forth with the confidence of one who knows all power and authority has been given due to the name above all names…the blood that was shed…the complete defeat of this false accuser of the brethren. A coward, a foreign invader causing untold misery…the one who lies and turns what was inner victory into a mess of broken dreams and scars refusing to completely heal. See the dragon…do not shut your inner eyes fearing his look of disdain glowing forth from eyes of intense hatred for you. See him with the bright radiant light that does fill your spirit and soul, even if for but this moment in time, it has been concealed by clouds of darkness. As you behold his destructive methods of bringing you down in the spiritual realm, resist the urge to run and hide for you are already victorious in the knowledge of your saviour as been the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Slay his head and watch it fall! Be that one who has His power flowing through you, able to walk on the waters even though fear is turning you into a statue unable to move. Be the dignified lion and stalk every demonic spirit wanting you to fall in the face of temptation with the inner knowledge that you are the victor and they are the fallen defeated enemies of the Cross, just waiting for their own moment in time, in history, when they will all be forever cast into the eternal lake of fire. Descend upon all that has and is breaking your inner spirit of beauty, courage and on going future into ashes scattered upon the ground…now of no consequence. Bold and utterly strong deep within, storm the gates of the one who sends out his own false deceivers into your life, longing for you to turn away in a moment of disbelief from Him who paid such a price for you…yes you! Why? Because you are so valuable, so precious and have so much within, just waiting to be released so as to destroy in the natural what the enemy of time has removed from you. So much is waiting for you to take hold of…you are his unique portrait of Divine worth and love. The mind is the gateway to all that does and will take place in the future…guard it with all you have. Put on the helmet of salvation…take hold of the written Word of infinite truth and refuse entry to whatever disturbs and removes your inner calm and peace. He moves as slowly as his can…silently creeping up and without warning pounces on you from without. It is not you and your own inner thoughts that are causing the pain of past hurts to resurface; the false guilt that fills your spirit making you unable to walk as you should in power and victory or the desire to end your live as nothing is working out and you feel so alone and discarded. It arises in the spiritual realm from the false accuser and if not understood or known, then dear heart, you believe it is a product of you yourself. Get rid of him…slay his head from his body of lies and now, in its place, paint a picture of Divine beauty within. Draw…paint…write on the inner wall of your heart of untold beauty. The painting of you, the unique person you truly are deep within. Maybe no one knows what you are truly capable of, maybe you are a withdrawn, quiet soul but whatever inner personality has been bestowed upon you, you are still able to see with His eyes of love. Love as pure as His paints the future, even the moments of now, as that of the budding flower…the flower in full bloom, showing its tenderness and beauty of so many colours to a lost, lonely world. The fragrance of the rose brings with it the peace and enjoyment of a life able to shine forth regardless of battles won and battles lost. Its ability to be pruned in its season and then bring forth even more beauty to the onlooker is the same as what you are able to do when free in spirit. See the painting deep within your now peaceful mind, as that of a cascading waterfall having the power to fill pools beneath and bring rivers to the point of overflowing with crystal clearness. You are that to those around you…a refreshing point of inner contact. Know your true inner worth…behold your name that is forever written in His heart of purity. Clothed in His righteousness you are able to enter into His throne room of grace and mercy, sharing your innermost thoughts and longings…asking forgiveness when in a moment of frenzy you missed the mark and sinned. Two hearts beating as one…for you are one with Him now able to walk on pathways that once had you running in fear for the deceiver, the one who presented himself as an angle of light, brought you down to naught whilst he and his demon spirits laughed in glee at what they believed to be, was your complete downfall! The total darkness that engulfed your every move…blocked the trees blooming in their new clothes of spring’s refreshing colours of gentleness and hope…allowed you only to see the images of despair and death waiting in the shadows. His hand of strength has reached out and removed what was invading your spirit and mind so fragile and with one touch the curtains are opened and peace flowing as a river is bringing the beginning of a season waited so long for. God gives peace like a river…God gives peace like a river…God gives peace like a river in my soul. We bow to Your Majesty; Your Omnipotent power; Your grace and on going love. Such love given to every soul that reaches out with trust and faith.
Fond Regards,
Copyright © June Potter
We so often, even too often anchor ourselves to a DROWNING tragedy in this world of agenda's and wrong purpose. The LIFE jacket we need to be wearing is not man maded but God designed. Yes God looked at man and said THE HEART IS EVIL & DESPERATELY WICKED and it lies to us naive enough to believe it
June Potter
In 2 Cor.10 v 5 it says, “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
Let us look at one of the ways in which to keep our spiritual sanity. Maybe this sounds strange but with all that is going on around about us, it can become very difficult to focus on the Lord and His Word.
Every day we hear some or other report of what has happened world wide or what we as His children can expect. If one is of a sensitive disposition then it becomes easy for the enemy of the cross to become that of a tormentor! Of course we need to be alert and awake to the signs of the time; we must not be found sleeping with no oil in our lamps.
Actually so many of His beloved children have no real solid foundation due to not receiving proper teaching concerning the Lord and His ways thus when disaster suddenly hits, in whatever form, they tend to stumble and even fall. Therefore it is of paramount importance that you open up your Bible and with the help of the Holy Spirit begin to study on a continual basis.
In 2 Cor.10 v 5 it says “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
Why must we bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ? We have this tendency to over think most times, especially when we become afraid of what is taking place and if we do not stop this, then eventually we will have taken our fear to a new level and satan always jumps through any hole in the hedge!
Anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God; in other words, anything that goes against what is written in His Word, we must cast down! His written Word is the complete Truth and if He says He has not given us a spirit of fear for instance, then we can believe Him and so see for ourselves that this is against Him.
To continue with this thought pattern will eventually break us inwardly and depression will find its way in and so to a desire to rather die! Maybe this sounds dramatic to you, dear friend, but believe me, it is true! In Prov. 20 v 27 it says “The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly.”
We were made with our own personal spirit; we are a spiritual being. In Job 32 v 8 we are told “But there is a spirit in man; and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.”
That is why our spirit shall return unto God who gave it, Ec.12 v 7; when we die. When we become born again through the repentance of our sins and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we are no longer walking in darkness; the darkness of our minds and spirit but now we have inner light so as to be able to know what is of Him and what is of the devil. Because of this inner light we are able to take hold of all that tries to exalt itself against His knowledge and bring it into captivity.
This shows us that when we do this we are walking now in obedience to His Word. Please note, this is something we do; not Him, but us! We are to make the inner decision to refuse all that satan is trying to get us to believe and we are to stop it from happening.
If man longs more for the things of the world and enjoys walking in the dark, then when he experiences inner condemnation for his deeds it is because he, himself brought it on. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour is the Light of the world but man in his sinful state most times does not want to let go of all that is done in the dark.
We are told in Rom.13 v 12 to cast off the works of darkness but this can be very difficult to do due to the inner rebellion of man in general. Each person has a choice whether he wants to believe the lies of the enemy and continue his deeds in darkness or whether he is going to put on the armour of light. We are in charge of our own spiritual sanity; please never forget that.
He has already made a way for moving forward but we have to do what is written thus receiving the blessing of obedience. Times are becoming even harder and right now we must understand the seriousness of building on a solid foundation which only comes from His way and Word.
Be blessed and turn in faith to the Great I Am.
Fond Regards,
June Potter
June Potter
John wrote to his “little children” of the assurance of the forgiveness of sins. In one sense we are always, in John’s term, little children, for in this life we never advance to a point where we have left behind our need for the precious Blood.
It is indeed the very first weapon for the overcomer. Writing in Revelation 12 of the accuser of the brethren “which accuseth them before our God day and night”, John tells us that “they overcame him because of the Blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony and they loved not their life even unto death.” Verses 10 and 11.
The basis of overcoming in spiritual warfare is always the precious Blood. No one can ever get to the place where the Blood is not necessary. Satan is a murderer and a deceiver, he entices and he attacks, but he also specializes in accusing.
In a very real sense he is the Accuser of the brethren and it is here that our Lord meets him as Priest and Mediator. Heaven recognizes satan’s work and so must every Christian. Night and day he accuses us and his accusation is at our conscience, which is the point where we most feel we lack the strength to fight him.
His objective is to drive us to think in despair “Of what possible use am I to the Lord?” Why are some Christians found from morning to night reproaching themselves and crying “I am a hopeless failure. The Lord can do nothing with me.” It is because they have allowed themselves to accept the charges of the enemy as unanswerable.
And if he can get us to this state, he is indeed the victor, for we have given the battle away. If instead of looking at the glory of God, we only accept his accusations and stop there, we are certainly left with no power to fight him. Conscience is a very precious thing, but to repeat endlessly, “I am no good”, that is not Christian humility.
It is healthy to confess our sins but let us never carry confession to the point where, for us, our sinfulness looms larger than the work of Jesus Christ. The devil knows there is no weapon more effective against the Christian than the creation of this illusion. What is the remedy? It is to say to the Lord, “Lord I am no good” but then to look away to His precious Blood and to add “But Lord I am abiding in Thee.”
Satan does not accuse without reason. There are, no doubt, plenty of sins to which he can point us; but the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Do we believe that? Then it is an answer to his charge.
Sin calls for the Blood but the Bible does not tell us that sin calls for accusation- not, that is to say, if we plead guilty. Of course, if we say we have no sin, John warns us that the door is then wide open to the accuser. But if standing in the light of God, we confess to Him our guilt, then the Blood is powerful to cleanse and all satan’s charges are rendered ineffective. Praise the Lord for such an Advocate.
Praise Him for such a Priest. Let us never answer satan either by boasting our good conduct or by bemoaning our sins, but always and only by the Blood. It is our only sufficient defence. The precious Blood of Christ is our defence; the word of our testimony is our weapon of attack.
By this is meant our testimony to man but not to man alone. The victory of Christ, the fact that He reigns, that His Kingdom is near, that we have been translated from satan’s kingdom into His; all these are facts to be declared, not to men only but to the powers of darkness.
Affirm that God is King, that His Son is Victor, that satan is defeated, that the kingdoms of this world are shortly to become the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ. These are positive divine facts and they are shafts of offence. Satan fears such declarations of spiritual fact.
For the word of our testimony can move back the gates of hell. Declare that Jesus is Lord; that His Name is above every name. Declare it and say it to the enemy. We serve an all powerful Lord, one who is on our side and wants the very best for us as we yield in faith to all that He says in His Word.
We are not meant to be under the fear and terror of the enemy of the Cross but rather to arise in Him and be as He has made us…a conqueror. May we submit our lives in every area thus leaving no open door for satan to get in.
Let us serve this amazing Lord and bring His light and everlasting love to all who are lost or have fallen away. Jesus is Lord and you are His beloved child.
Fond Regards,
June Potter
June Potter
Phil. 4 v 8
“Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true; whatsoever things are honest; whatsoever things are just; whatsoever things are pure; whatsoever things are lovely; whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
Let us consider the above verse. Why exactly are we told to think this particular way? As His beloved children we, too, are able to be brought low in mind and spirit if we continually dwell on all that is not of a good report. By now we are all aware of the dreadful state the world is in.
Good has become evil and evil is exalted especially above the Word of God. Man has become deluded in that he believes he is in charge of his and others destination. Laws that definitely go against the way of divine truth have been put into place thus bringing about a way of total rebellion which we know is akin to witchcraft. Rom. 8 v 6 tells us that to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. How is it possible for man to be spiritually minded?
There is only one way and that is to be born again, realising our minds are then renewed by His written Word as we study and put it into action. Titus 1 v 15 says “Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.”
If we refuse to take a stand against what the world is offering then in time we, too, will experience that of defilement in our spirit man. We need to understand that it is His mercy that prolongs life. Lam. 3 v 22 “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.”
We serve an amazing, loving and merciful Lord God, one that is forever faithful and long suffering, however in Rom. 1 v 28 we do read that “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.”
Here it tells us that eventually the Lord will step aside and give you that which obviously satisfies your fleshly, carnal mind. It is a choice you made. A choice to walk in enmity against Him. We are told not to walk in the vanity of our mind. Eph. 4 v 17. Why is this? Because it goes completely against what is written. If we want a way that is prosperous and have good success in life then we need to meditate on His Word and put into action what it says.
The words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart needs to be acceptable unto Him and this comes about as we give ourselves wholly unto doing His ways. Then and only then will we profit. Remember the righteous delight in His ways (Psalm 1 v 2) and as we meditate on Him and all He has done for us then it will be that of sweetness and cause us to be glad in Him.
(Psalm 104 v 34) Yes dear friends, it is good to know what is taking place in the world as we must not be found sleeping but it is of vital importance to stay as close to Him as possible and think on those things that are pure and lovely and of a good report.
Be one who is for peace and not like those who are for war. (Psalm 120 v 7).
Neither be like those who imagine mischiefs in their hearts, continually gathered together for war. (Psalm 140 v 2) Come to him no matter your circumstances; rest in His ability to see you through and trust in Him knowing then you are blessed. (Psalm 2 v 11)
Fond Regards,
June Potter
June Potter
Let us look at the definition of faith. It means a complete confidence that a person or thing will function according to promise. Faith in our Almighty God claims His promises thus bringing the mighty power and resources of God into contact with man’s needs and problems.
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ brings salvation to the sinner through Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice, clothing the sinner in Christ’s own righteous, giving the sinner perfect standing before a Holy God.
s we think on the above, we also need to grasp that faith gives us the privilege of fellowship with the Lord and ready access to the Throne of Grace where our prayers are heard. Faith makes what is unseen as real as what is beheld by the natural eye. Heb. 11 v 1. I wonder if we really are able to fully grasp the truth of His written Word?
It is by faith that we are saved. We heard the Gospel shared, we maybe knew friends that gave their hearts to the Lord and we, ourselves were drawn by the power of the Holy Spirit to repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness thus becoming born again. Truly it is nothing short of a miracle; in fact, it is a miracle that Almighty God gave His only begotten Son to die on the Cross for our sins!
No human being can bring about the salvation of our souls. No organised church can grant us salvation. We have been given a brand new life in Christ Jesus; old things have passed away, all has become new! Eph. 2 v 8 tells us that God, the Father, bestows faith in the beginning.
It is a gift of His free grace. Romans 12 v 13 says “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.”
Once we are walking on His path; the way of His Word, then bit by bit we will come to know more and more how He operates and what He expects of us. In ourselves we are unable to move forward as the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. To be able to stand fast in Him, we need to know Him on a deep personal level and this comes about as we put His Word into action and trust Him to bring to pass what He has promised.
The moment we take our eyes off Jesus and look at the world around us with all of its difficulties and problems, faith in our Lord gives way to the fear of the given situation.
We are told in Matthew 14 v 30-31, that Peter was able to walk on the water by faith as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus Christ. His faith was in Jesus and His power to enable him to walk upon the water.
When Peter saw the rough waves beating around him, he began to doubt and fear, and then he began to sink. How many times have we experienced this in our walk with the Lord? We are given a particular task to do; a faith walk, and we believe and have complete trust in Him to bring to pass what has been promised.
Then we share with others and along comes Mr. Doubt and informs us that we have made a mistake and are we really sure this faith journey is really from the Lord?
One thing I learnt and that was to be careful who you share with as there are those who will not understand your journey of faith and will be used of the enemy of the cross to cause doubt to fill your mind. Faith for what He has promised will be given by Him so focus on Him and the task at hand.
Praise Him for the end result regardless of whether or not you see it. Pray as led by the Holy Spirit and wait with patience for all to fall into place.
Your faith rests in Him, not in circumstances or people. Be blessed friends and move forward to higher ground.
Be Blessed
Fond Regards,
June Potter
June Potter
The Lord is forever encouraging us, as His beloved children, not to be afraid. If we sit back and think about this, we will come to the conclusion that he realises we are but human and at given times we become unsure and afraid of our future, the way forward and those who claim to have power and control over all of mankind.
am sure we have been in the company of those whose words sting like that of a scorpion? Our spirit becomes grieved within and we feel somewhat poisoned. Eze.2 v 6 says it like this. “And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions; be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.”
Maybe you feel it is easier said than done! Not everyone has the inner courage to rise up and declare that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. We are all different and also have grown to different spiritual levels. This being true, we need to understand that heaven and earth shall pass away but His word shall endure forever.
His Word reveals to us who the Lord really is and if He has promised to watch over us, stand up and fight for us if necessary etc then He will for He is not a man that He should lie! We must be spiritually receptive to His Word by taking the problem to Him, knowing He will listen to what we have to say. To fear man brings with it a snare but to trust in Him brings safety.
I have seen and been a part of those who actually enjoy making people afraid, either by revealing themselves in a strong bodily position which is that of invading your own personal body space and or proclaiming certain things will happen to you if you do not believe what they say.
However, we need to remember that most times these people are of a rebellious house, in other words, they obviously do not follow after what is written in the Bible or they believe in their own inner strength and false teachings that most times elevate man. Deut. 31 v 6 tells us “Be strong and of good courage; fear not; nor be afraid of them; for the Lord thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”
In Psalm 91 v 5 we are told “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day.” These promises are so uplifting and if taken to heart, one will be able to face each and every onslaught of the enemy.
This is the reason we are to study His Word for ourselves and make sure it is buried deep within our hearts. In Acts 17 v 11 we are told to receive the Word with all readiness of mind plus to search the Scriptures daily to see whether these things are so.
If we have a hearing ear then it says in Matt. 13 v 16 we will be blessed. The Holy Spirit will make the Word alive unto you as He knows you need to be enlightened. Plus the fear of the Lord; having respect and love for who He is, brings about the beginning of knowledge.
He promises us that if we hearken unto Him, we shall dwell in safety and shall be quiet from the fear of evil. Prov. 1 v 33. Dear friends, always turn in faith to the Lord; believe in what is written and live your life under the shelter of His ever abiding love and grace.
Fond Regards,
June Potter
THERE is a PLACE to hide in Hime. Let us make sure we find it
June Potter
Maybe a strange and slightly difficult question but dear friend, do you perhaps have a death wish? There, hidden deep within is that subscious longer of no longer wanting to be on this earth or the wish that you were not born with the body and looks that you have?
Maybe for many years nothing has fallen into place and always just before you are about to experience success in a certain area, things suddenly fall apart! What exactly is a death wish? Once settled into us, death wishes manifest themselves in various and many ways.
They may be the underlying cause behind abnormally dangerous and tenacious childhood diseases. The personal spirit does not sustain the body normally nor throw off disease because it does not want to! It wants to act out our death wish. It has, as most people know, been found that a baby in the womb feels and knows the love of the soon to be mother and father.
Also, a baby in the womb relates to soothing beautiful music. However, if a soon to be born baby experiences a lack of acceptance, love and joy, then it has no desire to be brought into the world. I have heard how parents laughingly say their child is so accident prone or always sick.
Personally when in ministry, I was aware of a young boy, whom I knew from the moment he was born, even when the mother was pregnant, how he refused as a baby to be comforted and even when holding him, he was stiff in one’s arms.
One needs to take various things into account. Did the child come as an afterthought or was the conception desired and sought? How did the pregnancy proceed? Was it a difficult time physically for the mother?
How did the parents relate to each other during the pregnancy? What economic, job-related, or other pressures were on the parents? Were there any great tragedies, deaths or other traumatic happenings during that time? Were other children jealous of the new baby or did they welcome the child? Did the mother experience postpartum depression or other traumas after the birth? All the above and more are experienced by infants.
A baby in the womb and a new born are alive in their spirit and although we may not realise it, they too experience emotions, longings and feelings of whether they are accepted, rejected, loved and cherished or discarded as of no real value as just maybe they are not of the sex the parents desired.
Have you being in the company of those who give forth absolutely no life whatsoever? You actually discern a spirit of death hanging over them? Or have you seen those who have no confidence or coordination whatsoever? Have you noticed how some people walk and talk; how they behave as if their own personal spirit is simply not in unison with their bodies?
One may know of a person who is on the brink of success but it is snatched from them over and over again at the last moment. Of course not everything is that of a subscious death wish, it can be a belief that he or she will never succeed due to the younger person being constantly told they will never amount to anything.
This then is that of believing a particular lie about themselves. A hidden death wish comes forth from those whose spirit is awake but is not free to engage and venture into life. Often a person is even angry with the Lord as they believe they should have been born of a different sex which then causes them not to want to participate in life.
Everything is a burden and of no value! When I personally was experiencing very bad things happening to me, I kept quiet and told no one, not my then husband or friends, family etc. It became so bad that I actually got down on my knees and asked the Lord if I could please die! Not long after this prayer, it was found I needed an operation to remove a big growth on my last ovary. The gynaecologist was plain drunk when he did the operation and even questioned me as to what he had to do!
Everyone, every doctor in the hospital knew about his drinking problem and just before I went into hospital, the Lord gave me a dream, showing me that he nearly killed me! I woke up screaming. Regardless of the fact that I did not want him to operate on me, I went forward with the procedure.
Yes, he did nearly kill me! He cut my kidney tube in half etc and I was bleeding to death internally and in dreadful pain. I survived due to prayer and another operation due to it being an emergency etc. A huge amount of damage was done to me internally.
The Lord spoke to me whilst trying to recuperate in hospital for four weeks. He said this “June, never again pray such a prayer! You have no idea what spirits you set into motion when you pray to die!”
I repented. I cried and asked for healing from His hands of strength and power. Until this day I still experience pain due to huge machines being put over me to draw all the blood out so they could stitch the kidney tube back together.
Was this a death wish? Yes it was but it did more damage in so many ways. I am only alive from this and other times of facing death due to the grace, love and tender mercies of the Lord. Seek help friends if you are struggling. Call out to the Lord if you cannot find freedom within yourself.
Refuse the thoughts of suicide which is a death wish. Please get help and so experience inner healing from the time of a child or that of a grown adult. Jesus is Lord and He desires for you to experience life and life in abundance.
Be ENCOURAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fond Regards,
June Potter
June Potter
With the world in such chaos and turmoil we need to ask ourselves a question. Where exactly does the church stand and have they being able to reach out and bring truth into various and many situations? We need, as His children, to be those who bring the truth of the written Word, not so called truth as the world sees it.
There are so many who claim to have answers for everything that has taken place these last two and a bit years yet still we hear about and see people who are unable to separate right from wrong and truth from falsehood. Did the church have the correct answer to people’s queries as to why we were forced to adhere to those higher up and held over the coals so to speak, because there were viruses knocking on every door?
Was the church able to reassure people that the Lord was still in control? When untimely deaths occurred and all was supposedly due to not being obedient to what was told to us to do, how did the church respond? All in all, was the church leading the way forward due to having authority and answers for those in need of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical counsel or were people watching and listening to the main stream media for advice? So the question is this.
Was the church that of powerful authority thus giving those in turmoil and grief, answers? Did the church glow as the bright light in the midst of utter darkness and in so doing bring the lost, tormented and fearful grief stricken people to the truth, that Jesus Christ, the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit were indeed the final and only true authority?
So much has been said, broadcasted, written and preached about the end times and the antichrist yet if we sat down and really thought about it, nothing has been said about the authority of the Lord and all that He is and all that He stands for. Why is this? Why were so many churches following after what man said during these most difficult times? Why was the church too scared to stand and advise those who are a part of them, that Jesus is the only way during these strange and difficult times?
Even if we remove these last two years are we truly able to say that the church is revealing to the world that she is that of authority and power thus able to reach and bring in people who are wandering around looking for something, anything, in which they can believe, for man, whether he realises it or not, is forever searching for truth.
Has the church become nothing different to that of the world and in so doing, lost her credibility? Maybe all this sounds pretty harsh especially coming from one who loves her Lord, the Word and the Holy Spirit with all her heart? For me, friends, this is and has been what I have seen for so many years. That is, the church has become weak and lacking in power and authority; that final authority that is the ultimate truth based on all that is concerning the Father; the Son and the Holy Spirit.
To be seen as something great and mighty in today’s society, the church has brought in that which lures young people; plus all sorts of different things which appeal to the fleshly areas of mankind in general. One seems to have forgotten that it is the Lord that draws man to Himself and the Holy Spirit brings conviction of sin thus leading to salvation.
People in general have ceased to listen or pay attention to the message the church is meant to deliver, which is that of proclaiming all have sinned and are lost and so need a Saviour through the repentance of sins. There is indeed a heaven and a hell and the way is narrow which leads to eternal life. People are wondering if truth can really be known and defined. This is the reason many are led astray into cults and false teachings for they proclaim a particular authority in some or another form.
Others come to the conclusion that one man may say this and another that, and they are both probably correct! And so we get the belief that everybody is right, after all there are many ways in reaching the top of the mountain so to speak. We must just accept other’s point of view but the Bible reveals itself as the great theme of authority. An authoritative Book! Paul decided he was not going to waste his time arguing and he began by proclaiming authoritatively the Lord Jesus Christ.
We, as His beloved children, need to come back to this in our declaration of the Lord Jesus Christ! We need to cast aside being worried about offending people and instead assert and proclaim Him! Matthew 1 v 23 says “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us.” This is the grand assertion of the final and supreme authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Another reason for a weak church is the neglect of the working of the Holy Spirit. Man has become so interested in self and self gain, that most times he does not want or allow the Holy Spirit to take control in a service.
Instead he quenches the Spirit and thus the reason for having no impact on those outside of the church! Friends, the Lord would have us realise that as His children, washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ and serving Him to the best of our ability, we are to be aware of the authority given unto us.
In our own strength and depending on our own worldly knowledge, we are without spiritual authority but in and through Him, we are able to exercise our God given authority when need be. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us. Be not afraid of those who will make fun of you neither desire the approval of man but with faith and trust in Him, be assertive when declaring the triumph of our Lord over the evil one!
The blessed Holy Spirit desires to make the Word more and more alive unto you; He desires for you to know His presence and thus able to walk in victory regardless of circumstances. He will enlighten and reveal various things to you as you walk together with Him.
Revival is the knowledge given that man is a sinner and needs a Saviour and a complete transformation from that of walking hand in hand with the world and instead coming in humility to the Great I Am and giving his all to the One who paid such a price for his salvation.
Without the intervention of the Holy Spirit we will not see revival so now is the time to pray for the church that she comes back to that which was her first love…Jesus Christ and Him crucified! Be blessed and stand up in faith forever declaring that all power and authority has been given unto Him and in and through Him, you can do all things!
Fond Regards,
June Potter
Jesus the lover of our souls! How we need to know and understand all that He has done for us. To read about Him in the Bible and to listen to others sharing their testimonies is not the way in which we come to have an in depth relationship with Him.
All this can convince us that He is who He claims to be but to have knowledge, human knowledge of Him is completely different to that of being drawn by the Holy Spirit in accepting Him as Lord and Saviour. The mind may accept the truth about Him but it is the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin and brings home the realisation that we are lost souls on a destructive path without coming to know Him in all His power and glory!
If we are honest with ourselves, we would have at some or other point, come to the conclusion that the beauty of nature and the whole of creation must have been brought into existence by someone behind the scene, so to speak! Nothing speaks more to the heart that is open and the eyes of those who have the ability to see beyond the harshness of a world in disarray, than the everlasting beauty and grace of nature in all her amazing glory.
To behold the exquisite cloud formation, whether it be that of the noonday’s sun breaking through the different formations presented by His pictures of pure perfection or that of the overhead clouds of darkness, revealing themselves as soon to be wells of refreshing waterfalls from His heavenly realm above, so mankind has to but bow his head in awe and acknowledge deep within that there is after all a God!
When meandering through the field of green grass waving its head in tune to the gentle breeze, one begins to notice the small insects hidden behind stones and blades of grass. All different in shape and size; all on their own journey for which they were created. Unable to hear their own particular song so we walk on by, not realizing that in and through Him all things were created and yes, for a purpose!
When hearing the song of the bird resting on the now old branch of the tree of splendour and majesty, surely one is able to understand the intense inner beauty of the heart of the Great I Am? Perfection of grace has fallen on the birds of the air and no other but that of Him, who made heaven and earth is able to grasp the wealth of divine revelation pouring forth from all that He brought into existence! Search your heart, cries the waves of infinite majestic magnificence!
Do you not know that there is a time for the sand shores to bask in the sun and a time for the waters of the sea to rise and bring in the delicate shells filled with treasures? Hear the message when the crashing waves cover and cleanse the rocks buried deep into the abiding ocean with fierce footage. Glory shouts out to one and all that nothing is hid from His all knowing eyes. For He walks amongst the creatures of the day and the howling voices of the night!
From within His heart comes forth the cry that if man were but to accept and understand His longing for fellowship with him, then nothing would be impossible! The fear of rejection and the anxiety of impending doom comes not from the One who bowed in surrender to the will of His heavenly Father but rather from self, knowing that in one’s own strength and inner determination, nothing can bring that perfect peace that flows like a river in the soul of him who is made anew!
The same hand that touched those in bondage to sickness and demonic forces is but the same hand who reaches out and with a voice of perfect, everlasting love, cries that now is the day of salvation! Tarry not, for tomorrow is not promised but when the presence of the Holy Spirit has made Himself known, then with a heart of wonder and wisdom, turn from the wickedness of the world and become one of His dearly beloved children!
In giving of self so the night becomes that of the bright new day and the joy heard in the heavens above, is that of the angels singing praises for yet another lonely and lost soul has left the path of destruction and now walks in tune to Him who paid the ultimate price by the shedding of His blood.
“On bended knees we come, O Lord, and with a humble heart we thank you for presenting yourself to our spirit. May we continue to grow in your wisdom and eternal knowledge thus able to say it is indeed well with our soul.”
He Knows and He Cares
June Potter
Mark 3 v 35 says “For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother and my sister and mother.” So how is one able to submit to the divine will? By believing and trusting in all that is written, knowing He, our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, has our very best interests at heart and desires for us to have His ways hidden deep within. Psalm 40 v 8 tells us “I delight to do thy will, O my God.”
I am sure that when we know the Lord and love Him with all our heart and soul, we definitely have a desire to do what He says for we know He is the only one we are able to follow yet at times our flesh wants things that in the end will be harmful to our walk.
Thus we need to realise that prayer is essential to be able to do His will. Let us do as is written in His Word. “Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God, they spirit is good, lead me into the land of uprighteousness.” If we are sincere about our walk with Him and have a longing to grow and mature in Him, His wisdom and knowledge, then we will be open to being taught.
Yes, there may be times when we will make mistakes, go off course, become frustrated etc but His Spirit is one of goodness and deep understanding and will always lead us into that which is of right standing in His eyes. He wants us to have a relationship with Him just as His Son did.
The Lord Jesus did nothing except what He saw His Father do thus making Him a perfect example for us to follow. John 7 v 17 tells us “If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” This is very important. How are we to follow after the Lord and His ways if we do not know or understand His written Word?
How are to test the spirits if they are of God or the evil one if we have not studied for ourselves and buried it deep within our heart, thus giving the Holy Spirit something to bring to remembrance when we are faced with false doctrine?
Man so often quotes the Word with his own fleshly thoughts on a particular subject thus leading people astray, believing they can command God or expect Him to follow after their will, instead of them being submissive to Him, waiting on Him and then following after Him when the time is right! You see, we have to submit whole heartedly to Him. Eph. 6 v 6 says “Not with eye service, as men pleasers but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.”
Many times, due to the ego still in very good working order, we desire approval and acknowledgement from man concerning what we intend doing but unfortunately this is not what pleases the Lord. Our trust, faith and strength is not to be in man but in the One who paid such a price for our salvation. James 4 v 15 tells us “For ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.”
How very different this is to just getting up and deciding for yourself that you are going to do something and then expecting Him, the Great I Am, to follow after you with blessings untold!
O my! Have we all not made mistakes which in the end ended up on a pathway that never actually was His in the first place! You see, He knows the beginning and the end of all things, whereas we see only the now. Of course, He forgives us if we repent from self will for whatever reason it came into existence at the time but would it not have been better to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of our Lord and with patience and trust in Him, wait? So what actually is the will of God?
It is not going about doing those things that are forbidden in His Word! “But why can’t we do what seemingly makes us happy? After all, it is my body, my choice, my desire, my intelligence in the matter, etc? It is unfair!”
Because He knows mankind only too well and if left to their own devices then in the end, when having indulged in all sorts of fleshly desires, spiritual death occurs, due to running after that which gratifies the flesh and rules the heart! He has come to give us life and life more abundantly and if we accept this truth then we shall walk in victory.
Now we can see that He wants a fully surrended heart, not half a one, but a complete letting go of self and self goals. If our plans do not come into being thus causing us to get upset and angry, then instead of deciding never to trust the Lord again, maybe realise they were after all YOUR PLANS and not actually His!
This is not the time to become disheartened and pout but rather rejoice in His gracious love in that He obviously protected you from that which was unseen to your eye yet definitely known by Him! Understand dear friends, in Col. 3 v 3 it says your life is hid with Christ in God!
What an amazing promise! He is your hiding place from calamity; your safe place when in agony and inward pain. He knows everything about you and because of His tender, all consuming love for His own, He wants you to know that it is far safer to rely, trust in, and surrender to Him.
Seek His will. Adhere to what He says. Make sure you have conformation concerning what you intend doing and wait upon Him. His love out ways everything so lay self down and serve Him with a heart full of gratitude, obedience and love.
Fond Regards,
June Potter
Within the mind and the spirit of man resides the ability to take charge of all that descends upon one from without. Moments of discouragement can turn a beautiful day into a nightmare which seems to lock one down in all areas.
The “if only” syndrome smashes through inner doors that were closed due to been free from their pathetic on-going sagas. Anger wells up turning the calm, peaceful bliss experienced into raging thunderous storms and so pulling the mind into a forceful inner argument against those who hurt, rejected, and turned away from you for whatever reason.
If lightning bolts were available with a simple twist of the hand, then no doubt, all in their way would be scorched and forever removed from the face of the earth, which deep within, is the inner face and mind of your own personal, private world!!
As the dark ominous clouds filter in as if from no where over your head, so depression begins to cloud every tranquil thought you may have had before the invasion of the enemy of the mind. A spirit of gloom overshadows the minutes, hours and at given times the days at hand, leaving one depleted of energy and strength in all areas plus a desire to leave this now harsh world with its monsters of untold misery.
Life is not worth the effort…beauty and joy have forsaken one and the rush of the icy cold waters of inner defeat leave one, not only chilled but frozen in time. No one knows…no one sees…for there are so few in tune to the inner spirit of another.
After all life is about self and self gain…striving to be the best…the one who is noticed in the crowd. Life is centered on “my world” and all who are crying and slowly dying within are but a burden to be tossed aside…they must know their place. The place in the shadows…forgotten!
Turn the inner anger which so often is but total frustration into a collective setting of imaginary moments thus giving them the inner ability to soar and find their own distinct expression of writing and paintings of the creative spirit lying dormant within. Defeat and then destroy the monster who, without warning, without invitation, stole your moments of peace, hours of tranquility and even days of inner freedom filled with the beauty of cascading joy flowing as a river within each area of who you are.
Arise…arise and be bold. As bold as the lion who dictates his authority by his presence amongst the kingdom of the animals, given and brought into being by the divine hand and words of amazing, on-going love. Fearless due to the inner knowledge of who and what he knows himself to be, so all submit in respect for his inner dignity radiating forth without one need of his deep roar of warning.
Arise…stand firm and slay the dragon within the mind of fast-moving random thoughts. Take up your sword, move forth with the confidence of one who knows all power and authority has been given due to the name above all names…the blood that was shed…the complete defeat of this false accuser of the brethren.
A coward, a foreign invader causing untold misery…the one who lies and turns what was inner victory into a mess of broken dreams and scars refusing to completely heal. See the dragon…do not shut your inner eyes fearing his look of disdain glowing forth from eyes of intense hatred for you. See him with the bright radiant light that does fill your spirit and soul, even if for but this moment in time, it has been concealed by clouds of darkness.
As you behold his destructive methods of bringing you down in the spiritual realm, resist the urge to run and hide for you are already victorious in the knowledge of your saviour as been the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Slay his head and watch it fall! Be that one who has His power flowing through you, able to walk on the waters even though fear is turning you into a statue unable to move.
Be the dignified lion and stalk every demonic spirit wanting you to fall in the face of temptation with the inner knowledge that you are the victor, and they are the fallen defeated enemies of the Cross, just waiting for their own moment in time, in history, when they will all be forever cast into the eternal lake of fire.
Descend upon all that has and is breaking your inner spirit of beauty, courage and on going future into ashes scattered upon the ground…now of no consequence. Bold and utterly strong deep within, storm the gates of the one who sends out his own false deceivers into your life, longing for you to turn away in a moment of disbelief from Him who paid such a price for you…yes you! Why? Because you are so valuable, so precious and have so much within, just waiting to be released to destroy in the natural what the enemy of time has removed from you.
So much is waiting for you to take hold of…you are his unique portrait of Divine worth and love. The mind is the gateway to all that does and will take place in the future…guard it with all you have. Put on the helmet of salvation…take hold of the written Word of infinite truth and refuse entry to whatever disturbs and removes your inner calm and peace.
He moves as slowly as his can…silently creeping up and without warning pounces on you from without. It is not you and your own inner thoughts that are causing the pain of past hurts to resurface; the false guilt that fills your spirit making you unable to walk as you should in power and victory or the desire to end your live as nothing is working out and you feel so alone and discarded.
It arises in the spiritual realm from the false accuser and if not understood or known, then dear heart, you believe it is a product of you yourself. Get rid of him…slay his head from his body of lies and now, in its place, paint a picture of Divine beauty within. Draw…paint…write on the inner wall of your heart of untold beauty.
The painting of you, the unique person you truly are deep within. Maybe no one knows what you are truly capable of, maybe you are a withdrawn, quiet soul but whatever inner personality has been bestowed upon you, you are still able to see with His eyes of love.
Love as pure as His paints the future, even the moments of now, as that of the budding flower…the flower in full bloom, showing its tenderness and beauty of so many colours to a lost, lonely world. The fragrance of the rose brings with it the peace and enjoyment of a life able to shine forth regardless of battles won and battles lost.
Its ability to be pruned in its season and then bring forth even more beauty to the onlooker is the same as what you can do when free in spirit. See the painting deep within your now peaceful mind, as that of a cascading waterfall having the power to fill pools beneath and bring rivers to the point of overflowing with crystal clearness.
You are that to those around you…a refreshing point of inner contact. Know your true inner worth…behold your name that is forever written in His heart of purity. Clothed in His righteousness you can enter His throne room of grace and mercy, sharing your innermost thoughts and longings…asking forgiveness when in a moment of frenzy, you missed the mark and sinned.
Two hearts beating as one…for you are one with Him now able to walk on pathways that once had you running in fear for the deceiver, the one who presented himself as an angle of light, brought you down to naught whilst he and his demon spirits laughed in glee at what they believed to be, was your complete downfall!
The total darkness that engulfed your every move…blocked the trees blooming in their new clothes of spring’s refreshing colours of gentleness and hope…allowed you only to see the images of despair and death waiting in the shadows.
His hand of strength has reached out and removed what was invading your spirit and mind so fragile and with one touch the curtains are opened and peace flowing as a river is bringing the beginning of a season waited so long for.
God gives peace like a river…God gives peace like a river…God gives peace like a river in my soul. We bow to Your Majesty; Your Omnipotent power; Your grace and on-going love. Such love given to every soul that reaches out with trust and faith.
Fond Regards,
Copyright © June Potter
June Potter
Let us have a look at obedience as for most of His children it presents itself as a real test! It is one thing to say we love the Lord and yet we make a continual choice of putting what we want and enjoy before Him!
In Mark 12 v 30 and Luke 10 v 27 it says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Do we really want to know His will for our lives? Or do we want to walk before Him and He must follow and bless our own fleshly plans? Are we obedient to His Word or do we brush over that which does not suit us?
So often we do not want Him to talk to us as then we may have to put aside that which we have been doing and start all over again by relying on Him and His ways and not that of which we so desire. We need to remember “A man’s steps are directed by the Lord.” Prov. 20 v 24. To be a friend of the Lord you need to adhere to what is written. John 15 v 14 says “You are my friends if you do what I command.”
We are the salt of the earth, so it says in Matt. 5 v 13. What does salt actually do? It preserves food from spoiling. Our friendship; our time spent with others should be that of keeping them from doing questionable things! Salt also makes people thirsty- are we making people thirsty for the Word of God?
Is Jesus being reflected in us? Do others see His beauty? Something we may need to take note of is we cannot lay claim to being a true follower of Jesus if we hate our brother! His love working in us brings restoration between us and those who have harmed us in whatever areas. To hate or detest others reveals that we are still in darkness within our spirit. Obviously the Lord takes hatred very seriously as He likens it to murder. 1 John 3 v 15. Let us look at what indifference is.
It means we have no concern for others which is akin to hate. 1 John 4 v 20-21. Love shows itself in different ways. Physically; concern for one’s welfare. 1 John 3 v 16-18 and spiritually; concern for another’s soul. Etc. Are our desires that of those abiding in the world? Do we love the world more than we love the Lord and His Word?
Are we willing to turn away from those things that bring Him no glory? When faced with a test of obedience to do what He says, will we pass, regardless of how we feel or will pride prevent us from showing concern and love? If we are not properly rooted and grounded in Him we can be drawn away. Love is the supreme test of our Christian faith. 1 John 3 v 14 says. “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers.
Anyone who does not love remains in death.” To love those who have harmed us can be extremely difficult but this form of love comes from above. What we need to do is walk in obedience and harmony with what is written. Let us test the teachings of the world by the Scriptures for Truth’s sake. Test every experience by the Word of God as truth is in Jesus Christ and as His children we are to walk in His Truth.
Obedience need not be that of fearing you will not match up. As we grow closer to the Lord by studying His Word, putting it into practice, experiencing His presence, praying and growing in grace, so we will find that we delight to do His will as He has become so precious to us.
Everything comes bit by bit as you make a decision to follow after Him so instead of worrying about not being faithful and obedient, turn your eyes onto Him and realise that you will never find another who will love you as He does and He desires your obedience because He knows this is what is best for you so as to grow, mature and be used in His kingdom. Be blessed and be bold. Jesus is Lord and you are loved.
Fond Regards,
June Potter xxxxx
June Potter
Jesus is the lover of our soul and His greatest desire is for us, as His children, to not only love Him but to obey Him for this demonstrates our trust and belief in His written Word. John 14 v 21 says “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me.”
So often those areas deep within us that have not yet been yielded to the Lord come to the surface and stare us in the face. Human as we are, we tend to push aside what we consider to be areas of little consequence yet in the eyes of the Lord, they are important as without realising it, these little foxes can be the cause of us stumbling time and time again.
Maybe we struggle with pent up anger; bitterness, resentment, procrastination etc and due to not facing it, we find we become stuck in our walk with Jesus. His love was such that He gave everything so that we may be reconciled back to our Heavenly Father; that our sins may be forgiven by the shedding of His pure Holy Blood on the Cross.
Because of this all-consuming, ever abiding, all powerful love that He had for mankind, we, when we have repented of our sins and made Him Lord and King of our lives, are now saved by His grace…He paid the ultimate price.
When we consider this price that LOVE made for us, surely to surrender everything in faith to Him is not really that difficult? Allowing areas of disobedience to remain in our hearts will slowly but surely break our special fellowship with Him. Bitterness for example eats away at our inner core being and without realising it, it starts enveloping those around about us and they no longer want to be in our company as their own spirit has become defiled.
Maybe you wonder why putting off things He has laid on your heart to do is sin or disobedience in His eyes? Most times procrastination is a lack of trust and or faith in His ability to see you through the command He has given you.
He promises to go before you; He said He will never leave nor forsake you and always He is your tower of strength, no matter what others may think or say about you whilst doing the work He has laid on your heart. Taking hold of fear…allowing it to swallow up the faith He put in your spirit to go forth in obedience, is many times what causes one to put off been obedient. See the work of the enemy; open your spiritual eyes and refuse this lie…this lack of going forth in faith when given an instruction from Him.
What else hurts the heart of our amazing Saviour; what other areas are we holding back from Him and so walking in disobedience? He tells us to put Him first; not to worship idols…whether it be friends, cars, false gods, money etc. He says to put away sexual lust and be cleansed; to honour your mother and father, to be obedient to what is written in His Word.
These are not dreadful laws but words that bring with them a cleansing and a peacefulness that money cannot ever buy. He says His plans for you are perfect…nothing He promises or does will ever harm or hurt you in anyway. As we grow in His grace and wisdom so we will find that obedience brings with it a sense of truly belonging to Him and the presence of the Holy Spirit abides continually with us.
Love and obedience go hand in hand; they cannot be separated. Deuteronomy 6 v 5 says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Leviticus 26 v 12 says “I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people.” Psalm 119 v 11 says “I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
Dear friends, Jesus loves you with such a wonderful and pure, ever abiding love. Give yourself to Him and allow His grace to change every part of your being that needs His touch.
Fond Regards (Copyright)
June Potter. XX
June Potter
To be able to walk the way of the Lord thus trusting in His promises and ability to bring them to pass is not an easy thing.
We are in this world but not of it; should be a sign to our spirit man that we do not act, reason and become hard of heart like those who do not know the Lord and find pleasure in areas that are restricted to us as His beloved.
The world of today is such that it has the ability to draw one and all because it offers so called new ways of becoming all that we may have wondered about or it can fill our inner desire for riches and prestige.
But there is a price to pay for walking the way of disrespect and disdain for the Bible and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Man reaps what he sows, whether born again or not. In the worldly tense we could say it is that of cause and effect but either way of describing this, one cannot go about hurting, degrading, stealing, committing sexual sin, etc and not expect to be judged by an all seeing God!
Curse the Name of Jesus Christ; lie and demean His children, attack them through the means of witchcraft, occultic practices, plus through other different methods, and in time, when least expected, disaster appears in one’s life.
We ourselves planted that particular tree which is now of fruit bearing age. “Oh but surely God is a God of love and not one who purposefully punishes people?” Of course He is a God of love; just look what He did for us by sending His only begotten Son to die on the Cross for all of mankind! But forget not this one fact and that is, we ourselves, choose how we live; in whom we believe and how we will react to His great mercy and love.
We may even be born again and serving Him but there deep within our heart, lies areas we have hidden away and inner pain that has not being handed over to Him for healing and even that of deliverance! Our tongue may be that of harshness and we are still able to be brought low by incorrect attitudes.
To even think that we are automatically allowed to sow seeds of discord, strife and false deception and not be chastised for this is totally incorrect. Just because we do serve a Lord of grace, mercy and tenderness does not mean we can do these things; quickly say a prayer of forgiveness and carry on as if nothing happened! Hurting others, whether saved or unsaved, is noticed by Him and if not repented of in a way that truly shows you desire to be free from your own inner nasty ways and so get help, will still bring forth the fruits of your actions.
The times we are now living in, gives people the idea that everything goes; just do what makes you happy; worry not about tomorrow or what happens when your time on earth is over, etc. Satan, who is the father of all lies, has deceived man into believing he is his own god thus does not have to comply with any Christian beliefs, especially that of hell where people go who die without knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour!
Their minds have been darkened by false truths and their spirit is in that of a slumbering mode. Unless one is born again and has had their spirit quickened by the Holy Spirit thus now alive within, man is still dead in his trespassers and unable to be one with the Lord Jesus as He is One with His Father.
No amount of believing in his own so called good works will be able to grant him a place in heaven. No connecting his spirit man to satanic rituals or that of serving in false religious societies will be acceptable when you stand before the One and only True God of all time! Now, more than ever before, is the time to realise that unless born again and washed in the pure Blood of Jesus Christ, one will be deceived by all that is promised in this new world order.
We are in a deep spiritual war for our very souls thus the need to bow in reverence to the Great I Am, and confess that we are indeed sinners gone astray and desperately need His grace, mercy and complete forgiveness of our sins. Do not be those who sow to the flesh.
Do not be those who harden their hearts. Rather stand up and be accounted for. Be the one who turns from the wrath of God, who is against sin and instead acknowledge Him as the One and only way to heaven and peace of mind. Sow seeds of mercy and of love. Sow seeds that bring forth fruit worthy of your salvation if following Him.
Be those who can say that no matter what transpires in this harsh, ugly world, we are victorious in and through Him! Turn not again to the temptations of the evil one, thus destroying your testimony but rebuke and stand fast in the wisdom and knowledge of your Saviour and King, Jesus Christ.
He is with you through all the raging storms. Why? Because when saved, you became the apple of His eye. He is your peace that flows like a river through your soul. How is this earthly possible? It is not only possible but completely true as now as His beloved child He promises to be with you each step of the way and so regardless of circumstances; He fills you with His peace thus enabling you to continue in His strength.
Trust in Him dear friends and lean not unto your own understanding. You are safe in His everlasting love and protection.
Fond Regards
June xxxx
June Potter
I would like to draw some Light from the Old Testament. May you be blessed as you grasp various and wonderful truths from His Word…Jesus is Lord. God has hundreds of “types or pictures” in the Old Testament to help us understand His great salvation.
It is most important that we understand what these types are. Let us consider some of them. EGYPT is a type of the evil world system, which is under the control of satan. All unsaved people are in “Egypt”- satan’s world system.
PHARAOH is a type of satan. Pharaoh was the ruler of Egypt. Satan is the ruler of the evil world system in which we live. THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL were the people of God.
Their history is a type of the Christian life- what we experience as children of God. THE PASSOVER is one of the clearest and simplest pictures or types of salvation by the Blood of the Lamb.
What was it that secured the salvation of Israel’s firstborn sons on that awful night? It was the blood of the Passover lamb. What secures our salvation? It is the Blood of Christ, our Passover Lamb.
The Bible says “Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” 1 Corinthians 5 v 7. What made them sure of their salvation? They were assured of salvation by God’s spoken word; He said “When I see the blood I will pass over you.” So it is with us.
The Word of God is the basis or ground of our assurance. The great thought of the Passover was God’s taking His people out of Egypt that He might have them for Himself. God’s word to Pharaoh was “Let my people go, that they may serve Me.” Exodus 8 v 1. God wants His people delivered from satan’s world system that they might serve Him.
THE FEAST OF THE PASSOVER is a memorial feast held each year in which God’s ancient people, the Jews, remember their great deliverance from the land of Egypt. God wants us to remember our great deliverance with a memorial feast also.
Our memorial feast is the Lord’s Supper (Communion) The early believers celebrated the Lord’s Supper weekly on Sunday; the Lord’s Day. As we eat the bread and drink the cup, we are remembering the Lord Jesus and His death for us.
THE NEW LIFE. Israel’s deliverance was the beginning of a new life for them. So it is with us. When we are saved, we begin a new life- the new life IN CHRIST. THE WILDERNESS is what this world is to the child of God.
To us it is “a wilderness”. Our home is in Heaven. THE PROMISED LAND was the land of Canaan, which God promised to Abraham and to his descendents.
The “promised land” for us is the life of fullness and victory IN CHRIST, which God wants every Christian to have. I do hope this has shed some light onto various questions you may have had. Always remember how valuable and precious you are to the Lord and how He longs for your love and fellowship.
Be blessed.
June xxx
June Potter
1 Thes. 5 v 18. “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Maybe you have found in your walk with the Lord that to give thanks in everything, is really extremely difficult and you simply cannot do it!
Your struggles, thoughts and pain completely over ride this verse even though it states it is His will for you! So now what? Do we just apologize but inwardly we feel resentment towards the Lord for expecting this from us?
Maybe we then begin to think we are not good enough to be called His child as so often we stumble, even fall, never able to measure up to what is written and expected! The Lord knows what is deep within your heart and He fully grasps that in your own strength you are unable at times to adhere to His way of walking and His will.
So He reaches out and gives you encouragement by reminding you that to establish a close divine relationship with Him, one has to grow in His wisdom and knowledge by drawing even closer to Him through starting out in obedience to small things. “But, what small things?” Let us think now!
The Word says the joy of the Lord is your strength. One simple example. How do we experience this joy? By remembering that He paid such a price for your salvation so that you may come forth from darkness into His marvellous Light.
The full verse of 1 Peter 2 v 9 says “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous Light.” By realising the amazing deep love He has for you, regardless that you may still be a mere babe in various spiritual areas, you can only but feel the joy of having His tender mercies and wonderful grace as your covering!
The immense inner joy of knowing you are never alone for His presence is always with you. The comfort in grasping the truth that He will never leave nor forsake you. Joy is a gift given; a fruit of the Spirit, even in the hardest of times, which when understood, gives you the ability to praise Him in and through all trials and temptations.
Do you, dear friends, realise that according to the Word, nature’s praise is unceasing? Psm. 65 v 13 says “The pastures are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing.” In Psm 69 v 31, it tells us this. “Let the heaven and earth praise Him; the seas and everything that moveth therein.” Isaiah 44 v 23 says “Sing, O ye heavens, for the Lord hath done it; shout; ye lower parts of the earth; break forth into singing; ye mountains, O forest, and every tree therein…”
Here we see the wonder of nature and creation in general; brought into being by a heart of absolute love, perfection and untold beauty. The creatures within the oceans praise Him; the pastures and valleys shout for joy and sing.
All of creation knows their maker and all acknowledge His divine personhood. So dear friends, can we not but praise and rejoice in Him, knowing that He is Almighty, full of power and rules and reigns supreme! As we submit to His perfect will, so we too will be able to say “I delight to do thy will O my God; yea thy law is within my heart.” Psm 40 v 8.
What law is this, you may ask? It is the way of walking in His spirit and not that of the flesh. It is the pathway of choosing life and not that of spiritual death due to sin taking over. It is also the way of trusting and believing in what He has promised and all because Jesus our Saviour, submitted to His Father regardless of anguish of soul knowing what was about to take place.
Spiritual knowledge definitely comes forth from obedience, so the question facing us is do we desire to grow and mature in Him?
If so, then please know we are able to continue this life by the faith of the Son of God. Gal. 2 v 20. Our fruits of righteousness will surely come forth thus bringing Him all the glory and praise we are now able to give with a heart in tune to His everlasting, unconditional love.
Be blessed dear friends.
Fond Regards,
June Potter
Wisdom, your wisdom O Lord, has been left far behind for she has not been brought to the fore through clarity and the understanding of your Word. Her skilful ability to open the eyes and ears of those who diligently seek after her, has been discarded due to becoming part of all that has raised it’s head causing man to move forward in the ways of the flesh rather than that of standing steadfast in that which is truth.
Light and darkness, O Lord God of heaven and earth, can never mix, neither can they hold hands, walking as one, for only within you Father God does the bright light of eternity bring us into your ever abiding presence without fear of reproach.
Wisdom she cries forth in the streets, pleading for all to understand her way to contentment, health, joy, peace, faithfulness and fruitfulness in all areas, but the way of the flesh; the never ending call of bowing to the wicked one who entices the mind so as to bring glory to himself and that of death, whether it be within the spirit or that of physical death, is constantly knocking on the door of the heart.
Why O Lord, does man not become more alert to his sly tactics; why is he so easily drawn away? Submission is not a word that is easily accepted in this day and age for to let go of self and self’s inner ambitions and desires is too hard even for those washed in the ever cleansing Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A dying daily to all that removes us from walking in the Spirit, is unheard of due to the lack of Biblical teaching but O the joy of realizing that we are able, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to cast aside that of the flesh and so bring praise and honour to His Name! Sleeping…man has surely fallen privy to a spirit of slumber for in being alert and awake to what is written in His Word, so he would see and understand the need to constantly seek His face.
So many false prophets and teachers are roaming around like that of the roaring lion, waiting to pounce thus bringing about a darkness of thought patterns against all that is seen as good, trustworthy and able to follow after, due to it being the true path of eternal salvation. Our eyes when enlightened by Him and that which is written reveals to us those that are now being deceived and all because of false delusional promises brought forth from the father of all lies; satan himself!
How we too need your covering of love and truth O Lord, like that of a blanket thus able to warn and protect us from this satanic invasion that has brought such chaos to mankind in general! How your heart must grieve when seeing even your own beloved children walking the pathway of man made illusions and deceitful promises?
Division has occurred and most are blind but when the call goes forth to take up arms and do spiritual warfare, so all shall behold who it is that now follows after the all consuming Light or that of darkness bringing in their utter grief at having been deceived! Who but you O Lord reigns supreme? There is no other who can ever take your place for you rule over all!
Take us back into the fold precious Lord; remove our hearts that have become hardened by worldly events and the filth of those who have bowed their knees to the call of hell on earth! We give praise unto your Name Lord Jesus for you are worthy of our praise!
We turn from all that has been making us unclean of spirit and ask for your cleansing power to wash over us once more thus able to be a vessel of honour. Great and mighty are you! How we need your grace, tender mercies and presence O Lord!
Fond regards,
June Potter
Is it not time that we become truthful with ourselves and realize that even born again children of the Lord experience inner struggles and a feeling at times of being lost? Life has become extremely difficult; nothing is what it once was. People have changed due to stress, anxiety, loss of income etc. Many deaths have taken place, some without warning, leaving people wondering why their prayers were not answered.
Destructiveness raised her head as never before plus that of intense depression and fear. How does one overcome all that has happened and within a relativity short time? To walk the way of the Lord, that of experiencing His salvation in its entirety, is something that does not happen over night for we learn and mature as we seek Him with our whole heart.
Growth is not as easy as many think, as it means a lying down of self and self gain. It involves taking up one’s cross and following after the Lord regardless of circumstances and given situations. This in itself can be extremely difficult for the flesh loves to have its own way but to walk in the Spirit; His way of doing things, is surely that which brings about peace and a deeper understanding of our Lord and King.
So when we suddenly feel that we are losing our grip, so to speak on our life and all we hope to achieve, what do we do and why is this happening? Firstly, let us look deep within our heart with the help of the Holy Spirit and see as He sees and then acknowledge what it is actually that is causing us to feel sort of lost and alone.
By now we must have realized that nothing misses His eye and all things are known by Him so why try and hide or pretend all is well with our soul? It is actually an honour to know and accept that this Almighty, all knowing Lord loves us so much that He takes the time to hear our hearts cry!
Every person goes through moments when they wish they had done certain things a different way or that they could go back to how life once was. We become tired, weighed down with burdens we are really not meant to be carrying.
Please understand, we can help our brother, our sister in the Lord, even those not saved, but we are not meant to take their yoke upon us thus bringing about exhaustion and even an emotion of hopelessness. Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour is the burden bearer and we are to give all to Him, believing we have done our best in the given situation.
As strange as it may sound, I do believe the Lord is very practical as after all, He fashioned and formed us in His Image. He expects us to have a time of rest; a time of refreshment in doing those special little things we enjoy, whether it be that of drawing, painting, gardening, listening to uplifting music etc.
If we neglect the inner core being of who we truly are as a human being, then we may just become out of balance. Remember, in all things, He is present. Surely He takes pleasure in what brings us joy and contentment? We all have talents given but most times we neglect these gifts from above as we are too busy being a spiritual giant!
Yes it is possible to lose oneself when concentrating on only that of spiritual growth and pushing aside the whole of who we are. Every part of us should be bringing glory and praise to His Name and this is possible if we understand that He can be involved in all our daily affairs.
Spiritual growth does come about by studying His Word and of course putting it into practice. By having a tender heart after Him and sharing His love with others but it also reveals itself when we grasp the truth that He is interested in what makes us happy and what it is that makes us feel alive and productive.
To know that Jesus is helping us when we are learning some form of art or that of music lessons or even that of learning to drive. Just to understand His immense love for His children by being a part of everything we do, will definitely bring us to a place that we know we can depend on Him.
Share your pain; open up to someone who will understand your feelings of desperation and loss. Don’t put on a mask so as to make others believe all is well with your soul. If they discredit you because you are truthful, move on and ask the Lord to bring you someone who truly has a heart after Him.
Be a Christian who is real; one whom others can relate to. Personally I cannot relate to those who will not acknowledge they have both good and bad days etc.
We are in this upside down world governed by control, deception, falsehood, greed and satanic rituals but we are not of this world for His Light dwells within us thus we can and will be over comers of darkness. Trust Him when you are afraid you are falling away even if it is but a lie from the enemy.
Stay close to His side and watch how He will once again clear the pathway in front of you. Be blessed dear friends and be real!
Fondest regards,
June Potter
June Potter
1 John 4 v1 says “Beloved, do not put faith in every spirit, but prove(test) the spirits to discover whether they proceed from God, for many false prophets have gone forth into the world.” Reading this above verse it is easy to become a slight bit afraid even unsure of yourself if you are a new believer in Jesus Christ and still have a way to go in learning more about Him.
I want to reassure you that even after many years of serving and loving the Lord, we are all still growing in His grace and mercy and personally I do not believe we will ever really comprehend His amazing ways for He is all powerful and full of such wisdom and knowledge.
But because of His all consuming love for His own He warns us about those who pretend to be called out prophets thus saying the Lord says certain things which is actually coming from their own fleshly thoughts and from over inflated egos.
As we grow in His wisdom and knowledge and as we study to show ourselves approved unto God so bit by bit we will know and discern when someone is a true prophet of the Lord as his life will show forth the fruit of his salvation.
This does not say he will not make mistakes along the way as no person who was and is called moves forward without falling in some or other way. Our test is actually that of “what does the Word say about such and such?” Verse 2 says “By this you may know(perceive and recognize) the SPIRIT OF GOD; every spirit which acknowledges and confesses (the fact) that Jesus Christ(the Messiah) actually has become man and has come in the flesh is of God (has God for it’s source) Verse 3 “And every spirit which does not acknowledge and confess that Jesus has come in the flesh (but would annul, destroy, sever, disunite Him) is not of God(does not proceed from Him).
This (non confession) is the spirit of the antichrist of which you heard that it was coming and now it is already in the world.” This antichrist spirit can be seen and felt in the world of today as actually to those who know and love Jesus Christ, we are aware of it’s presence on a daily basis.
The world of the occult is even more on the rise as people want to know, or think they will know, about their future or be able to “speak” to their deceased loved one etc. The new age movement is really nothing “New” as it comes from accent Hindu beliefs but has been given a new look so as to bring in more and more ignorant people thus putting them in bondage.
Hell is a place that does not exist and man can do as he pleases. Totally antichrist even though there is a “Jesus” in their beliefs. Then we have the education system which now abuses the innocence of children and everything is allowed except that of parents being able to bring their children up as they so choose! The Word is considered of no value and the Lordship of Jesus Christ is torn to shreds.
Man must become whatever sex he so desires and no one must even say one word. Murder, violence, rape, destruction of all that gets in one’s way etc is now the norm. There are many so called gods so choose what is suitable for you! Sin is rubbish, payment for sin is simply ignored, there is no heaven as heaven is here on earth, and hell and the devil is but in one’s mind! ANTICHRIST is all around us.
False doctrine in the church is the norm as man longs for more and more power plus wealth. But let us take heart as Jesus said this will take place. Surely He will not leave us when we feel there is no place to go; no place to hide?
We are His; we are called to bring His Light into the darkness but not to become a part of this evil that is taking place. Verse 4 says “Little children, you are of God (you belong to Him) and have already defeated and overcome them (the agents of the antichrist) because He who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world.” Verse 6 says “Those who listen to us (children of the Lord) are of THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH (Jesus is in them) but those who don’t have the SPIRIT OF ERROR.
Do not stress and fret due to those who refuse to hear what you have to say about salvation and the Lord. They are blinded and cannot comprehend the Gospel unless they are drawn but you can pray and trust the Lord for their salvation and deliverance from darkness.
Be alert and awake to the times we are in and stand up in victory knowing that your Redeemer is alive and He will lead and guide you plus give you discernment in these trying times as you search for Him with your whole heart.
Copyright June Potter.
June Potter
In all His majestic awesome glory we behold His face…Lord of heaven and earth you are omnipotent…omnipresent and all powerful yet with the tenderness and patience of one far beyond our understanding, You wait in the isles of mercy, longing for our complete surrender so as to make you Lord and King of every part of our lives.
Ruling the earth and all that takes place, You stretch forth your hand and bring back everything that begins to move in the opposite direction, into its rightful place whether man is aware of your intervention or not, for no one can replace the power of Your spoken word which not only brought all into existence but continues to lay claim to the beginning and end of all things.
Nature in all its force of magnificence bows to the sound of Your voice; the birds and fowls of the air react to the call of Your majesty. Man in Your image longs to lay claim to Your power…bringing it into subjection to his own word but alas man has yet to surrender his will to the pure knowledge that there is no one as great and powerful as You.
In infinite wisdom You gave man a free choice for in so doing he would see his need and sorrowful state that he is in, thus surrendering to the only One who could save him from an eternity filled with the intense burning agonizing pain of eternal hell.
As the skies above reveal the magnitude of Your graceful heart, oh precious Lord, our everlasting Saviour and King, so the shades of the colourful beauty of the rainbow of promise send forth the glorious message that You will be with us for time and eternity.
Riding upon the winds of eternity You await our arrival ready to usher us, Your children, into the heavenly realm where no tears are shed; no pain fills our aching human body; no strife and conflict bring disorder and rampage into being.
Broken scattered souls are no more; the fighting has ended and man with his new body hails You as THE only One who paid the ultimate price for his soul to be saved.
For a fleeting moment in time whilst walking the pathway of but a man in a fleshly body, we knew the power of grief due to sin cascading down on an earth covered in flowing pain of man enmeshed in sin due to mindsets of a spirit of untold lust for greed and control.
How each suffered in their own fragmented way, longing for the day when all could come together and bear the burden that had become to heavy to carry for one needy soul.
Under the guise of leadership, man broke in spirit, mind and body, for leadership without the intervention of the personal leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, brought slavery in one form or another back into the equation.
The desperate cry of lost, lonely, beguiled souls flew on gale force winds through the skies above into the throne room of Heaven, bringing with it the ever falling tears of man and his perverted ways, straight to the heart of the Father.
My children, did I not send my Son, my One and only Son, to pay the ultimate price for your sin; your need to be removed from the bondage of darkness and the evil one holding you hostage to his every whim? Did I not love you so much that I showered you with all that I Am and all that I have? Waiting to bring you back into the fold, He came and shed His pure Blood so that you could be free. Free to live as men removed from the flesh of utter destruction and everlasting darkness.
Free to serve Me in Truth with My wisdom, knowledge and power residing within you. Time has been spent, once again, as in days of old when man reduced himself to lower than that of an animal.
The greatness of the God given earth groans under the effects of selfish man consumed with wanting to rule and gain all for his own satisfaction and glory. Yet will He rise in greatness and power when the sound of the trumpet goes forth, for at His Divine call, all shall bow and acknowledge that He and He alone is Lord.
Our King, our Majesty, our Shepherd; our Prince of Peace; our all consuming, all loving; all powerful Lord. Great and mighty is He Great and mighty is He Clothed in Majesty Arrayed in Splendor Great and mighty is He.
Copyright June Potter.
June Potter
Ephesians 4 v 30 “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” Paul commands us to stop grieving the Holy Spirit, so it must be of paramount importance to him and to us. The word grieve here means to outrage and humiliate, as a king who has been deposed by his subjects.
Even though it is not possible to depose Jesus Christ, we are still capable of dethroning Him from our hearts and turning our passion and zeal toward people and things that distract us from the Lord’s will and truth. Grieving the Holy Spirit is to say or do things that prohibit His participating in our lives to the extent He desires.
The chief cause of grief to the Holy Spirit is walking in the lusts of the flesh. When we walk in the flesh, doing what we want to do, when we want to do it, and the way we want to do it, apart from the Lord’s truth and commandments, the Holy Spirit cannot participate or help. We shut off the Spirit’s function in our lives when we choose to sin and to engage in behaviours that are contrary to the Lord’s purposes.
It does not mean that the Holy Spirit leaves us. Paul is very clear on that point. He says “Ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” When we believe in and receive Jesus as our Saviour, the Holy Spirit moves into our lives and seals us. He infills us and resides within us until the day of redemption…the day we enter the Lord’s presence in eternity.
Hebrews 13 v 5 “For He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Seal means “to mark as a means of identification.” This mark denotes ownership and carries with it the protection of the owner. Redemption has a narrow and specific definition. It means “to pay the price for, to buy back from, to take ownership of by paying the ransom price.” Paul is showing us our state of being before salvation, when we were held captive by a cruel master.
But then Jesus came and redeemed us, paying the price for our release from the enemy and the bondage in which he held us. We became Jesus’ property and He marked us as His. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit as a sign to all that we have the protection of Jesus.
Therefore, because we are sealed unto the day of redemption by the Holy Spirit, we are able to walk in this world and not become a part of it. We are able to walk and not be destroyed by the enemy. We are sealed, marked, secured and protected. We have been bought with a price, freeing us from satan’s grip and setting us securely in the arms of Jesus, able now to serve our Lord and Saviour with gladness.
However, when we choose to follow the dictates of our own fleshly desires, we disconnect ourselves from the Holy Spirit’s favour in our lives. He cannot manifest himself in anything that is contrary to the will and goodness of God.
1. The Holy Spirit will not help you lie or avoid the consequences of lying. He will manifest himself only as you tell the truth, confess your lies and obtain forgiveness.
2. The Holy Spirit will not help you cheat another person or help you avoid the consequences of getting caught. However, the Holy Spirit will manifest himself when you seek to treat others honestly and make restitution to those you have cheated.
3. The Holy Spirit will not help you seduce another person’s spouse or help you cover up that seduction or act of adultery.
4. However, the Holy Spirit will help you to resist the temptation to sin and or help you terminate an illicit love affair. He will help you to live in sexual purity.
5. The Holy Spirit desires to be on our side. He delights in helping us…in giving us the information and discernment we need; in leading us into right decisions and right actions; in giving us the inspiration and motivation to act righteously and courageously and in strengthening us to withstand evil and to speak and act in truth.
6. The Holy Spirit wants to see us grow in the Lord, manifest His fruit and operate in His gifts. Let us not grieve the precious Holy Spirit but rather, through faith and trust in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, work together with him, thus bringing glory and honour to our King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Be Blessed as you allow the Holy Spirit FULL SWAY in your life and Heart.
June Potter
June Potter
Romans 6 v 16 “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteous.” What are we doing with our lives?
Even as His beloved children, have we got to the place where we are able to turn from what we find entices us at given times or do we in that moment give into our fleshly lusts and so crash, falling hard into the deceptive ways once more of the evil one? We all have certain weaknesses that may be hidden deep within which have not been dealt with and in a moment of grief, confusion or anger, find ourselves yielding to them for so called relief but in the end we come to the conclusion that instead of us feeling satisfaction, we are in utter despair.
This verse says that to whom we yield ourselves servants to obey. When angry or frustrated with a situation or person we may have the tendency to lash out with harsh, cruel words thus hurting and bringing doubt into their minds of who they really are. Words spoken in anger have the power to bring another down to a level of despair in their own God given abilities thus the reason we are supposed to rather uplift one another in love.
So what actually did we accomplish as the bearer of anger and frustration? We gave in to our flesh and yielded to its call to be nasty and hateful which is nothing more than sin. Maybe this seems a small thing but to the one on the receiving end of our mouths full of unclean words of disdain, it comes across as truth in the given moment.
We as His children cannot walk this journey thinking we have no inner conflict with our flesh which so often rises up out of nowhere, drawing us into the old ways of acting and doing things. Sexual acts, sexual desires are real and powerful tools that the enemy uses to bring His children down, especially if these traits have never been dealt with and are still lurking in the hidden corners of our minds.
Man was created to enjoy the coming together with another but in the confines of marriage and why is this? When joining ourselves to multiple people through the complete sexual act, our spirit man, will in time, search for the one in whom we became bound. The fleshly side of the sexual act is only but one part, it is the spirit that meets the spirit of the other during this most intimate time thus we become fragmented within each time we indulge in casual sexual intercourse with multiple people.
Thus we have yielded ourselves servants to sin to obey. We bind ourselves inwardly by falling into this trap of the enemy instead of standing against this temptation and so become obedient unto righteousness. We have become a tool in the hands of the devil and we need to be real with ourselves and stop hiding away from the truth that yes, we still have areas in which we need His cleansing touch by asking Him in truth and sincerity to deliver us from our own fleshly lusts.
The renewing of the mind takes place as a new creature in Jesus Christ bit by bit as we study His Word, become convicted in areas thus surrendering in faith to Him and so walking the way of what is written about us, His beloved. 2 Tim. 2 v 26 says “And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” Friends, whether we see or acknowledge it, when we hold onto those areas that are full of human flaws because we believe we have the power to overcome them by ourselves, we will at one point, fall back into our weak areas, especially when struggling.
Satan promises us liberty through those that continually tell us how to live; the media, the movies, and the decisions of men in charge that anything and everything goes and is acceptable etc. They are servants of corruption, for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. 2 Peter 2 v 19.
The Word tells us in John 15 v 10 “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in His love.” He is calling us to surrender every area unto Him; not to hold anything back, so that we may walk in inner peace thus able to become closer to who He is. Time is of the essence for we are in a war of souls; a war of who is going to take over our beliefs and mental and emotional health.
The evil one has already been defeated and as His children we are called to walk in victory knowing our Saviour lives but first we must lay down our own way of acting and doing things. We need to see that it is only in and through Him we are able to stand and having done all, stand. Be blessed and listen carefully for His voice of love which removes all darkness and heals completely.
Be Challenged and be Blessed
Copyright June Potter.
June Potter
Psalm 55 v 6-7 “And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove, for then would I fly away and be at rest. Lo, then would I wander far off and remain in the wilderness.” How often have we, ourselves, not felt that everything is just too much and if we could, we would sprout forth wings and disappear, there where nobody could find us and so be alone?
This is nothing unusual, not even for those of us who have a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour. Life is busy and life happens! Many people are going through extremely difficult times, which in turn leaves one despondent and unable to focus properly on what is from the Lord and that which is self inflicted and or that of an attack from the evil one.
We are His beloved and when seeking to know Him with our whole hearts, we may suddenly find we are being distracted by seemingly simple things thus taking on more than we can handle. His yoke is light and we need to understand that it is a good and loving attitude to be there and help others through hard and harsh times but we also need to be alert and see that we do not become so emotionally and mentally involved that we put our own spiritual walk on hold thus becoming consumed with problems of friends, family members and even those we hardly know.
We of course can bring the Word of God and encourage those in need but to get to the point where we, subconsciously, believe we are able to “fix” what is wrong in their lives, is not only deception but also something that only belongs to the work of the Holy Spirit as they yield in faith to His way of doing things.
Yes, it is true that some people appear to have an easier life than others and this in itself can leave one with questions and if not careful a certain amount of bitterness that springs up within the heart. But if we have come to the point that we are aware of the goodness of the Lord and that He is the one who came to give us life and life more abundantly, then when doubts and incorrect thought patterns come to mind, we are able to refute the lie that He does not really love us as surely He would never allow us to struggle and even be in inner and outer pain?
Actually nothing is further from the truth; the full Truth of His written Word! We will experience trials and temptations; we will find ourselves maybe going through a time of chastisement from the Lord. We will have spiritual attacks from the enemy of the Cross but in and through it all, He will be with us.
In Ex. 33 v 14 it says “And my presence shall go with thee and I will give you rest.” Is this not so amazing? The Great I Am; the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords promises us that His presence is with us, therefore we need not be downcast and afraid but in faith trust that He will give us spiritual rest and spiritual food plus His guidance. We need to grasp the truth that even Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, when walking this earth as man, knew when it was time to be alone and focus on himself and His Father.
In Luke 5 v 16 it tells us “And He withdrew Himself into the wilderness and prayed.” Let us not get to the point where we reach such despair that we literally seek physical death as is shown in 1 Kings 19 v 4 where unwise prayers were sent forth to the Lord but rather let us come in humility to Him who knows all things and believe that Psalm 23 v 3 is true and for us today. “He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”
As we lay ourselves bare before Him, holding nothing back, so He not only lifts us up in perfect love but also restores our soul thus able to move to higher ground in our knowledge and wisdom of Him. Now we are able to say without a doubt that the Lord is indeed our Shepherd who “…maketh me to lie down in green pastures, who leadeth me beside the still waters.” Psalm 23 v 2.
Dear friends, nothing is too hard for the Lord and all things are possible if we would but believe in His Word and all that He has promised us as we give our all to Him.
Be Blessed !!!!!!!!!!
June Potter
June Potter
Something wonderful to remember as His beloved children. Promotion in any form comes from the Lord. This can be found in Psalm 75 v 6-7. May we also take note that faithfulness positions us to be blessed. Why? Because we are following the instructions of the Lord. Col. 3 v 23 says “Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily(from the soul), as something done for the Lord and not for men.” Faithfulness is a fruit of the Spirit and is of utmost importance in our walk with the Lord; in our job, in our relationships etc. To be faithful means to be trustworthy and dependable.
A faithful man is one who firmly adheres to duty. He is loyal, true to allegiance and constant in the performance of duties or services. Faithfulness helps us move forward in our relationship with the Lord as it not only shows what is correct in His eyes but ensures that we do it, by conforming our behaviour; our way forward by what is written in the Word.
For instance, it is written that we are to love our enemies but our thoughts most times on this is “No, why should I and anyway I simply cannot love them!” Surely the Lord, the all knowing One, would not have given this direct word if He thought it was impossible for you to do? It is then, in that very moment, that you need to remember all He has forgiven you of, and in faith, thus now being faithful to His written Word, let go of your fleshly feelings on the subject and show forth His love for your enemies.
When this is done, so you will experience an inner freedom as that heavy burden you have been carrying has lifted. Faithfulness towards others; your employer, will in the end, bring forth a reward as basically it is you being faithful first to the Lord.
Proverbs 27 v 18 says “Whoever tends the fig tree shall eat its fruit; so he who patiently and faithfully guards and heeds his master shall be honoured.” He will make a way for your promotion; He will help you through the rough times; He will be your strength. To persevere when you want to leave is you walking in faith and being faithful in showing patience and long suffering which is His way.
He says in Col. 3 v 23 “Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily(from the soul) as something done for the Lord and not for men.” Are you helping a family member who is perhaps ill? Are you being of service to those who test your patience? Then do this as unto the Lord. Personally, I learnt this lesson when much younger in the ways of the Lord.
I belonged to a church and fetched people for Bible studies, Sunday services, went to their homes when they were sick to help and pray with them. I mowed the church lawn, planted some flowers, cleaned the church most Saturdays in time for the Sunday services, bought what was needed for communion; took ladies meetings and at times Sunday school, even cleaned the toilets.
I gave all I had even when so tired as my children were young plus I was married and did all my own housework etc. I simply loved the Lord Jesus, my Saviour, and for me it was an honour to do it all as unto Him. I grew and matured spiritually by been faithful to what I felt, at that particular time, He had given me to do. To be faithful is to understand that He is our faithfulness. He was faithful and true to His Father and only did what He saw His Father doing.
He was one with Him just as we are now one with our wonderful Saviour. Nothing compares to His gracious love in that no other will ever lay down their life so that we may be free from eternal darkness. Take hold of His Word and in faith give everything you have to Him, the one who desires for you to move forward in every area of your life.
Fond Regards,
June Potter
Proverbs 17 v 1 “Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than a house full of sacrifices with strife.” What is it that the enemy enjoys doing thus causing disorder, extreme frustration and anger? His weapon is that of strife, the direct opposite of love! Strife means vigorous or bitter conflict, discord and antagonism; to quarrel, struggle or clash; competition and rivalry.
We can think of it as a dangerous sin as it is an open door to the devil and gives him license to bring confusion and evil into our lives. How often have we been in a happy and content frame of mind and on coming into contact with someone who is having problems or simply a trouble maker, we suddenly find ourselves in arguments, horrible unclean debates that disturb our spirit or angry! One minute we were fine and the next we were of another spirit so to speak. The Bible tells us how to avoid strife in Proverbs 17 v 9. “He who covers and forgives an offence seeks love, but he who repeats or harps on a matter separates even close friends.” We have a choice as someone who walked in on another person’s inner mood or mindset and that is to be a part of their strife or to inwardly pray and forgive them for what is been said, especially if it that of attacking you or those you love. Chapter 19 v 11 says “Good sense makes a man restrain his anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offence.” Satan would have you think the way the world thinks by saying vicious ugly words back to the one who has and is offending you or if you are a man, then give him one right between the eyes just to keep him quiet! He talks glee in one of the Lord’s children being angry and confused as then there is room for every kind of evil to come into being. By walking away and or keeping quiet you stop the attack plus you have shown Godly wisdom. Strife has the ability to stop you from continuing your walk in faith which gives the enemy an open door and this in turn results in you being unable to walk in His love. Why? Because faith works by love (Galatians 5 v 6.) Love, His love towards others, which resides within you is actually a commandment from the Lord. John 15 v 12 says “This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.” If you have an inner desire to walk in the power and blessing of the Lord, do not open the door to the devil through strife. You make the decision; you make up your mind by not allowing strife to overtake you and by stopping those with whom you may have daily contact with from bringing it into your home or your life. Yes, sometimes one has to take drastic measures by informing them that unless they get help for their inner turmoil, you will no longer spend time in their presence. It is not always easy to walk in love and forgiveness as the fleshly man wants to argue and prove another wrong but it is a choice to put on the new man in Christ and so be the one who shows forth love. And yes love, does walk out of the room by excusing yourself! Proverbs 17 v 19 says “…stop contention before it becomes worse.” Remember it takes two people to get into strife and if one does then it shows you fit the description of the person in Proverbs 17 v 19 “He who loves strife and is quarrelsome loves transgression and involves himself in guilt…” Let us all look within and when we, ourselves, feel aggravated, out of sorts, maybe jealous of someone etc thus finding we could easily get involved in a bad moment of strife, let us be open and honest with the Lord and lay it all down at His feet and begin to rather praise and worship Him in the beauty of holines
UNANSWERED PRAYERS. Precious soul, are you perhaps struggling with unanswered prayers?
You have prayed and fasted; believed with your whole heart that you are genuinely seeking what you consider to be the very best for your life, yet nothing has transpired.
All of us come in true sincerity unto our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and in faith place our request before Him.
It may be a particular thing that we believe will bring happiness into the lives of others or something that will make our own existence far more comfortable.
It could just be a small simple desire that has been hidden deep within us for many years. There is no problem I am sure concerning these prayers yet we never seem to see them fulfilled which can lead us to believing that the Lord is not really interested in us but favours others far more.
They always have answered prayers, so we come to believe, which in turn leads us to experience bitterness and resentment towards them and even the Lord.
Before long we find ourselves becoming angry with life in general. Yet Psalm 139 v 17 says “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me O God!
How great is the sum of them!” Verse 18 says “If I could count them, they are more in number than the sand; when I awake, I am still with thee.” What an amazing and encouraging word from the Lord towards us His children.
Not only does it reveal to us that He has precious thoughts towards us but it is obviously an ongoing process deep within His loving heart.
We can see from reading this that we can rejoice at His tender mercies and grace, not withstanding the fact that when we awake, we are STILL WITH HIM. He is and always will be with us; never will He leave nor forsake us.
Psalm 119 v 62 says “I rejoice at thy Word, as one that findeth great spoil.” As we begin to read and study His Word with the help of the Holy Spirit, who makes it alive unto our spirit man, so we will realise and grasp the truth that we have indeed found a great and mighty spoil…His everlasting Truth.
The world can never offer us fulfilment but His Word reveals His way of walking which allows a heavenly peace that passeth all human understanding to fill our hearts and minds.
We begin to know deep within that Isaiah 55 v 9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” is indeed the full truth.
Now we can lay down our burdens…those burdens that cause us to wonder why our prayers are not answered as yet. Surely, as we have seen from the above verse, we need not be anxious anymore for He is in control and wants only the best for us.
If we would put aside all the thoughts of doubt that the enemy is whispering in our ear and just be still before Him so He will do as this Scripture says in Daniel 2 v 2 “He revealeth the deep and secret things; He knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with Him.
” He will speak to us thus bringing hope alive once more and as the flame of faith begins to burn brightly so we can boldly say together with those of old who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write “Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him.” Matt 6 v 8.
Dear friend, we serve a Heavenly Father who knows what you have need of before you even ask…absolute amazing love in action!
Yes, our prayers may not be answered in the exact way we want, but He knows and sees what is up ahead of us. He knows all things and thus He desires for our will to line up with His will so as to give us peace and His expected end. Jer. 29 v 11 says “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
Trust Him and in so doing, you will find that He indeed hears the prayers of the righteous (Prov 15 v 28) and when we are IN CHRIST, His Righteousness has become ours. You are His beloved child so fret not but rather give thanks for all that He has done on your behalf and all that He will do as you surrender your all to Him.
Today I was sorting out my plants on the balcony; pulling off the dead leaves, removing parts that needed to be cut back a bit, cleaning the pots that they are planted in and adding new sand so as to establish them more firmly.
I moved a few around as one thing I have learnt over many years is that plants like to be together, close to one another, and they grow and bloom far better when in a pot with another. As I was doing all this I began to think of fruit trees that are pruned and why it has to be done.
Why it was even necessary for me to sort out my simple little pot plants. I did this yet again today as I want my plants to flourish and to be healthy.
John 15 v 2 says “Every branch in me that beareth not fruit He taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.” When in high school, my father rented a 21 ache farm in Honeydew.
There were a thousand fruit trees, all with different types of fruit, and it was quite a feat to look after them all. One thing I remember is how my dad saw to it that the trees were pruned when necessary. Branches that did not give forth peaches, plums etc were removed and those that did, were cut back. When the fruit bearing season arrived it was amazing to see how the fruit filled the branches and they were much bigger in size.
The Lord desires for us to be fruit bearers and in so doing, we bring honour and glory to His Name but unfortunately, so often we do not do this, mainly because we are either not being part of the vine and are roaming around all by ourselves, thinking we can do things and live a life without Him, or we are still babes in Him and have not fully grasped His way forward.
Then again, we may bear fruit but not too much and the fruit has worms within. Fruit bearing for me personally is a period of growth.
We need to desire more and more of the Lord thus studying and putting into practice His way of doing things. Our old man has been crucified with Him, now we have the new set of clothes on, so to speak…we are new creatures in Christ Jesus.
What are the conditions of fruit bearing? We have to be in contact with the Living water, which is Jesus our precious Lord and Saviour. We need to grow in the Word and in our personal relationship with Him. Psm.1 v 3.
Then we need to be spiritually receptive to what He says and what is written thus gaining understanding. Matt. 13 v 23. We cannot walk with one foot in His Kingdom and another in the world as this will not bring about fruit bearing thus we need to be born again and like the corn of wheat that fell into the ground and died so we are to die to our old life. John 12 v 22.
There does come a time when the Lord removes certain things from our lives; things that He knows will cause us to fall. We may experience chastisement from Him when it is due but it is all for our own benefit.
To be corrected by the Lord is His love in operation even if we do not see it as such at the given time. What are the fruits of His Spirit? Just like we had many types of fruit on the farm so there are various varieties of spiritual fruit. Gal.5 v 22-23 says “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.”
We are known to the body of Christ and to the unsaved by our fruits, not by our gifts. Bearing fruit is a process, it does not happen overnight.
Some people show forth the beautiful fruit of gentleness; a God given gentleness that heals so many broken hearts. Others reveal His love; a love that is able to shine even when harm has been extended to one. Love brings people to know Jesus, not harsh and forceful words or actions. Then there is the fruit of long suffering…being able to tolerate injustice and actions against one due to knowing He sees and knows all.
These spiritual fruits are the workings of the Holy Spirit deep within and as we grow in His wisdom, knowledge and grace so more fruits will become evident. When going through a stage of being pruned it feels like one is experiencing a shut down in our walk with Him but actually it is a time of making room for a new growth period to begin. Stay connected to the Vine at all times.
See that you are refreshed daily in the pure crystal clear water of His Word which is Truth and righteousness in all goodness.
Eph. 5 v 9. And know that your cup shall overflow once more with the fullness of His wisdom which in turn brings about the knowledge of His will for your life. Eph. 3 v 19. Be blessed. Jesus is Lord and you are loved.
SPIRITUAL WARFARE. Ephesians 6 v 12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Many times we find ourselves in deep spiritual conflict.
There is an inward battle going on, most times unseen by people but always noticed and known by the Lord. Maybe we have an inner desire to give up as our prayers seem to always go unheard and we constantly feel under attack. It’s then however that we need to remember what the Word says in John 10 v 10. “The thief (satan) cometh not, but for to steal and to kill and to destroy.”
The enemy of the Cross would love to see you fall by the wayside, turn your back on your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and become a part of the world once more! He is your invisible foe; the evil one who hates you. Why? Because at some point you turned in repentance away from him and became a part of the Kingdom of Light.
However there is no need to dwell on all the thoughts he keeps putting in your mind as he is the father of all lies! The Lord Jesus has come to give you life and life more abundantly. (John 10 v 10.) When you discern that you are wrestling against principalities and powers, cry out unto the Lord in faith, knowing His Word says “He will fight for you…” (Ex. 14 v 14.) You are not alone in any battle as His beloved child, He is right there with you for He promises to never leave nor forsake you.
Jesus himself was tempted of the devil which we can read about in Matthew 4 v 1 but He resisted the enemy by speaking the written Word. (Matthew 4 v 4). Let us follow after the Lord’s example and make sure His Word is buried deep within our hearts thus giving the Holy Spirit an open door so as to bring it back to remembrance when needed. Our fight is not against flesh and blood and because Jesus our Lord is the Light of the world, we can say with utter assurance “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27 v 1.) Dear friends, never ever give up as He is with you through every trial and His perfect love is your covering. You may not “feel” His presence due to the given situation but we do not go by our feelings but by the Truth of His Word.
Make sure that you have on the full armour of God at all times so as to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Ephesians 6 v 11.) Be blessed and at peace as you continue your God given journey together with Him