Doctrines of The Priciples of Christ: Doctrine of Baptisms (Lectures 4 a to 4c)

Four (4) Lectures on the Doctrine of Baptisims added and these are:

1. 4a Baptism into the Body of Christ

2. 4b Baptism in Water

3. 4c Baptism in the Holy Spirit

4. 4d Baptism into Suffering

All the lectures follow after Introductionand should be studied in this order:

1. Introduction

2. Repentance from Dead Works

3. Faith Towards God

4 Baptisms (Four Lectures)

DOCTRINE OF BAPTISMS: Baptism into the Body of Christ (Lecture 4a)

Principles of the Doctrine of Christ!

From the Desk Of Stan Almendro

Doctrine of Baptisms (Lecture 4a)

The importance of this series (Principles of the Doctrines of Christ) cannot be stressed enough as it is the total basis of our “Walking and Living (Not Talking) in the Truth of the Word of God” You might have not ever been introduced to these teachings BUT it is important that every believer be given instruction on this important doctrine. The earlier in a Christian Life the better to avoid developing bad habits of a Hit and Miss Approach to our Christian Walk! Our lives are not a set of RULES of DOES and DONT”S but it is A Walk with God where His Word (The Principles of His Doctrines) burns in our hearts! A BETTER understanding of the word “PRINCIPLES” might make it easier for us to GRASP the worth of this truth and help us to also SEE the need to be governed by A Set of Principles and not a load of Does and Don’ts! Principle of Morality: It represents a set of values that orient and rule the conduct of a sound society. The law establishes an obligation in the individual's conscience that belongs to the cultural field in which such values are accepted. When this VALUE is at work we do not need an OUTSIDE force to make us live in LINE with the PRINCIPLE being addressed. The Moral, Ethical and Spiritual VALUE SYSTEMS are and become part of our own Human Behaviour pattern. So the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ are WHAT God wants us and expects us to live by. It goes beyond Right and wrong and even DEEPER than Good and Evil. It finds us Evaluating and DISCERNING Spiritual things with Spiritual. To do this and LIVE by it we need to have a RELATIONSHIP with God that is TELLING, A HUNGER for His Word and THE ABILITY BY THE HOLY SPIRIT TO HAVE OUR EYES OPEN TO THE WORD OF GOD. This goes beyond BEING fed like babies with BABY food but we get into the REAL issues of the SCRIPTURES and a DESIRE to really please God. As mentioned in the Introduction the series of studies comprise the following an at the end of each study there will be a Question Sheet which needs to be answered and returned to Whisper Bible College on a weekly basis. The series of studies are: • Introduction to the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ. Done • Repentance from dead Works Done • Faith Towards God Done • Doctrine of Baptisms 1. Baptism into the Body of Christ 2. Baptism in Water 3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit 4. Baptism into Suffering • Laying on of Hands • Resurrection of the Dead • Eternal Judgement. In this study we handle “Doctrine of Baptisms”: as read in Hebrews 6 verses 1 to 3: Hebrews 6:1-3 - Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of Faith toward God, Of the Doctrine of Baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. Doctrine of Baptisms is the third foundational stones listed in Hebrews 6:1-3, after repentance from dead works & faith towards God. It is in many circles the most debated “DOCTRINE” and people spend so much time arguing (Or debating) the mode of the Baptism (Always referring to the Baptism in water) BUT the real issue should be To OBEY or not TO OBEY. Another issue lies in Human Nature to either NOT understand OR Not want to understand very basic truths of some DEEPER thought of what BAPTISMS there are that each believer should experience. Let us look at what BAPTISMS there are for each believer to experience. These BAPTISMS are” • Baptism into the Body of Christ • Baptism in Water • Baptism in the Holy Spirit • Baptism into Suffering Firstly we need to understand that in EACH In Baptism there are three aspects and or elements namely: 1. A Candidate 2. The Element 3. The Baptizer The WORD Baptize simply means to put under or submerge and it is here that the INTELLECTUALS lose the plot at the expense of proving a point. The word baptism is from the Greek word "baptizo" (Strong's number 907), which means: 1. to dip repeatedly, to immerse, to submerge (of vessels sunk) 2. to cleanse by dipping or submerge in, to wash, to make clean with water, to wash one's self, bathe 3. to overwhelm In the NEW TESTAMENT we hear of the Eunuch, who has Phillip explain the word of God, say HERE is water (Coming to a lake of Water) what stops me from being Baptized? There must have been water in the chariot because who would venture some desert land without water but he waits until he sees the lake to say I want to be baptized. We can argue this point and get NOWHERE but rather let us see the need to be OBEDIENT. Besides we want to LOOK at the INITIAL Baptism which is: Baptism into the Body of Christ: Now the Word Baptize means to Submerge (Into) and this is Into the Body of Christ. • The Candidate is the Person • The Element is The Body of Christ • The Baptizer is The Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12 verse 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. This is the Re-Birth or Born again experience and while it is the least spoken of or debated it IS the VITAL first Baptism that ALL must experience before we go on to any of the other three baptisms. We know to be Born Again we need to acknowledge that we are sinners, ask God for forgiveness and “To as many as received him to them gave He the power 9Authority) to be called the Sons of God. So NO deep or lengthy discussion needed but simply to accept Jesus as our saviour. When we do this Our Names are Written or Confirmed in the Book of Life. Can we now see the PROCESSES with regard to BAPTISMS and how at different stages of a believer’s life it becomes a decision to believe it and obey it (Or Experience it). This is the fourth of the ten (10) studies and with each study we will aim at bringing us to a place of understanding that The Right/Wrong concept of Christian living is SHALLOW and that our lives need to be GOVERNED by PRINCIPLES. (The LAW of God to bring us to a PLACE living in Him). Remember the First VITAL Baptism is “Into the Body of Christ’ By grasping the deep rooted desire of the HEART of God for us, His children, will better equip us in Rightly Dividing the Word of God and in many senses it will bring us to places of decision and a Life Style that will be to the Glory of God. When we come to the END of this series it will only mean that we have been given a “Lot of Theory” and the challenge will be to look at each Principle and see how we allow ourselves to be GOVERNED by the Divine Word of God. The process of APPLYING this Doctrine and in Fact the Word of God in full is a LIFE long and ongoing experience. We are encouraged in the Word of God “That we henceforth are no longer children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and their cunning and craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Ephesians 4 verse 14). Can I encourage you to take these studies seriously and God will break to each one of us “The Bread of Heaven”. He will multiply this bread as he did the Loaves and the Fishes and we will be a PART of feeding the multitudes. Stan Almendro

DOCTRINE OF BAPTISMS: Baptism in Water (Lecture 4b)

Principles of the Doctrine of Christ!

From the Desk Of Stan Almendro

Doctrine of Baptisms (Lecture 4b) In Water

While BAPTISM into the Body of Christ is Vital and a MUST be the Baptism in Water is not a ticket to heaven but a sign of Obedience to God and His Word The importance of this series cannot be stressed enough as it is the total basis of our “Walking and Living (Not Talking) in the Truth of the Word of God” You might have not ever been introduced to these teachings BUT it is important that every believer be given instruction on this important doctrine. The earlier in a Christian Life the better to avoid developing bad habits of a Hit and Miss Approach to our Christian Walk! Our lives are not a set of RULES of DOES and DONT”S but it is A Walk with God where His Word (The Principles of His Doctrines) burns in our hearts! A BETTER understand of the word “PRINCIPLES” might make it easier for us to GRASP the worth of this truth and help us to also SEE the need to be governed by A Set of Principles and not a load of Does and Don’ts! Principle of Morality: It represents a set of values that orient and rule the conduct of a sound society. The law establishes an obligation in the individual's conscience that belongs to the cultural field in which such values are accepted. When this VALUE is at work we do not need an OUTSIDE force to make us live in LINE with the PRINCIPLE being addressed. The Moral, Ethical and Spiritual VALUE SYSTEMS are and become part of our own Human Behaviour pattern. So the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ are WHAT God wants us and expects us to live by. It goes beyond Right and wrong and even DEEPER than Good and Evil. It finds us Evaluating and DISCERNING Spiritual things with Spiritual. To do this and LIVE by it we need to have a RELATIONSHIP with God that is TELLING, A HUNGER for His Word and THE ABILITY BY THE HOLY SPIRIT TO HAVE OUR EYES OPEN TO THE WORD OF GOD. This goes beyond BEING fed like babies with BABY food but we get into the REAL issues of the SCRIPTURES and a DESIRE to really please God. As mentioned in the Introduction the series of studies comprise the following an at the end of each study there will be a Question Sheet which needs to be answered and returned to Whisper Bible College on a weekly basis. The series of studies are: • Introduction to the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ. Done • Repentance from dead Works Done • Faith Towards God Done • Doctrine of Baptisms 1. Baptism into the Body of Christ 2. Baptism in Water 3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit 4. Baptism into Suffering • Laying on of Hands • Resurrection of the Dead • Eternal Judgement In this study we handle “Baptism in Water”: as read in Hebrews 6 verses 1 to 3: Hebrews 6:1-3 - Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of Faith toward God, Of the Doctrine of Baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. Doctrine of Baptisms is the third foundational stones listed in Hebrews 6:1-3, after repentance from dead works & faith towards God. It is in many circles the most debated “DOCTRINE” and people spend so much time arguing (Or debating) the mode of the Baptism (Always referring to the Baptism in water) BUT the real issue should be To OBEY or not TO OBEY. Another issue lies in Human Nature to either NOT understand OR Not want to understand very basic truths of some DEEPER thought of what BAPTISMS there are that each believer should experience. Let us look at what BAPTISMS there are for each believer to experience. These BAPTISMS are” • Baptism into the Body of Christ • Baptism in Water • Baptism in the Holy Spirit • Baptism into Suffering Firstly we need to understand that in EACH Baptism there are three aspects and or elements namely: 1. A Candidate 2. The Element 3. The Baptizer The WORD Baptize simply means to put under or submerge and it is here that the INTELLECTUALS lose the plot at the expense of proving a point. The word baptism is from the Greek word "baptizo", which means: 1. to dip repeatedly, to immerse, to submerge (of vessels sunk) 2. to cleanse by dipping or submerge in, to wash, to make clean with water, to wash one's self, bathe 3. to overwhelm In the NEW TESTAMENT we hear of the Eunuch, who has Phillip explain the word of God, say HERE is water (Coming to a lake of Water) what stops me from being Baptized? There must have been water in the chariot because who would venture some desert land without water but he waits until he sees the lake to say I want to be baptized. We can argue this point and get NOWHERE but rather let us see the need to be OBEDIENT. B We now LOOK at the second of four Baptisms which is: Baptism in Water: Now the Word Baptize means to Submerge (Into) and this is in water: So • The Candidate is the Person • The Element is Water • The Baptizer is a Person. (Preacher, another Believer etc.) • The requirement or condition to be baptized into the Body of Christ. It is that we are sinner needing Jesus to forgive us and come into our lives. • The Requirement for the Baptism in Water is that we MUST be Born Again (Baptized into the Body of Christ). The Word of God says “Repent and be Baptized” (Acts chapter 2 verse 38) 1 Corinthians 12 verse 13 So by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, (First Baptism and this is hardly ever after Water Baptism) whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. This is the Re-Birth or Born again experience and while it is the least spoken of or debated it IS the VITAL first Baptism that ALL must experience before we go on to any of the other three baptisms. While Being Baptized into the Body of Christ is a MUST to get to heaven No Water Baptism will not keep you out of heaven. It is also a sign to the non Christian that you have accepted Jesus into your heart and you are now obeying Him. Hence not done in Secret but in a Public Place (Jesus in the River for all to see) So NO deep or lengthy discussion really needed for this Water Baptism but simply to accept that the Word of God says it and it is an Act of Obedience. Too many people spend far too much energy debating the worth or right and wrong of it. It is amazing how many times when people give their hearts to Jesus that they say I want to now be baptized. Our eyes go open to the desire and commands of His word and this is always a good sign in a Christian’s life. Now we can see the PROCESSES with regard to BAPTISMS and how at different stages of a believer’s life it becomes a decision to believe it and obey it (Or Experience it). This is the fifth of the ten (10) studies and with each study we will aim at bringing us to a place of understanding that The Right/Wrong concept of Christian living is SHALLOW and that our lives need to be GOVERNED by PRINCIPLES. (The LAW of God to bring us to a PLACE living in Him). Remember the First VITAL Baptism is “Into the Body of Christ’ and the obvious second Baptism is in water. (This from the meaning of the word is clearly by emersion in water). By grasping the deep rooted desire of the HEART of God for us, His children, will better equip us in Rightly Dividing the Word of God and in many senses it will bring us to places of decision and a Life Style that will be to the Glory of God. When we come to the END of this series it will only mean that we have been given a “Lot of Theory” and the challenge will be to look at each Principle and see how we allow ourselves to be GOVERNED by the Divine Word of God. The process of APPLYING this Doctrine and in Fact the Word of God in full is a LIFE long and ongoing experience. We are encouraged in the Word of God “That we henceforth are no longer children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and their cunning and craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Ephesians 4 verse 14). Can I encourage you to take these studies seriously and God will break to each one of us “The Bread of Heaven”. He will multiply this bread as he did the Loaves and the Fishes and we will be a PART of feeding the multitudes.

Stan Almendro

DOCTRINE OF BAPTISMS: Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Lecture 4 c)

Principles of the Doctrine of Christ!

From the Desk Of Stan Almendro Doctrine of Baptisms (Lecture 4c)

In the Holy Spirit.

We have touched on: 1. Baptism into the Body of Chris (A Must Be) 2. Baptism in Water (A step of OBEDIENCE And now we move on to The Baptism in the Holy Spirit (The RECEIVING of POWER from On High) The importance of this series cannot be stressed enough as it is the total basis of our “Walking and Living (Not Talking) in the Truth of the Word of God” You might have not ever been introduced to these teachings BUT it is important that every believer be given instruction on this important doctrine. The earlier in a Christian Life the better to avoid developing bad habits of a Hit and Miss Approach to our Christian Walk! Our lives are not a set of RULES of DOES and DONT”S but it is A Walk with God where His Word (The Principles of His Doctrines) burns in our hearts! A BETTER understand of the word “PRINCIPLES” might make it easier for us to GRASP the worth of this truth and help us to also SEE the need to be governed by A Set of Principles and not a load of Does and Don’ts! Principle of Morality: It represents a set of values that orient and rule the conduct of a sound society. The law establishes an obligation in the individual's conscience that belongs to the cultural field in which such values are accepted. When this VALUE is at work we do not need an OUTSIDE force to make us live in LINE with the PRINCIPLE being addressed. The Moral, Ethical and Spiritual VALUE SYSTEMS are and become part of our own Human Behaviour pattern. So the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ are WHAT God wants us and expects us to live by. It goes beyond Right and wrong and even DEEPER than Good and Evil. It finds us Evaluating and DISCERNING Spiritual things with Spiritual. To do this and LIVE by it we need to have a RELATIONSHIP with God that is TELLING, A HUNGER for His Word and THE ABILITY BY THE HOLY SPIRIT TO HAVE OUR EYES OPEN TO THE WORD OF GOD. This goes beyond BEING fed like babies with BABY food but we get into the REAL issues of the SCRIPTURES and a DESIRE to really please God. As mentioned in the Introduction the series of studies comprise the following an at the end of each study there will be a Question Sheet which needs to be answered and returned to Whisper Bible College on a weekly basis. The series of studies are: • Introduction to the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ. Done • Repentance from dead Works Done • Faith Towards God Done • Doctrine of Baptisms 1. Baptism into the Body of Christ 2. Baptism in Water 3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit 4. Baptism into Suffering • Laying on of Hands • Resurrection of the Dead • Eternal Judgement In this study we handle “Baptism in the Holy Spirit”: as read in Hebrews 6 verses 1 to 3: Hebrews 6:1-3 - Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of Faith toward God, Of the Doctrine of Baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. Doctrine of Baptisms is the third foundational stones listed in Hebrews 6:1-3, after repentance from dead works & faith towards God. It is in many circles the most debated “DOCTRINE” and people spend so much time arguing (Or debating) the mode of the Baptism (Always referring to the Baptism in water) BUT the real issue should be To OBEY or not TO OBEY. Another issue lies in Human Nature to either NOT understand OR Not want to understand very basic truths of some DEEPER thought of what BAPTISMS there are that each believer should experience. Let us look at what BAPTISMS there are for each believer to experience. These BAPTISMS are” • Baptism into the Body of Christ • Baptism in Water • Baptism in the Holy Spirit • Baptism into Suffering Firstly we need to understand that in EACH Baptism there are three aspects and or elements namely: 1. A Candidate 2. The Element 3. The Baptizer The WORD Baptize simply means to put under or submerge and it is here that the INTELLECTUALS lose the plot at the expense of proving a point. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Now the Word Baptize means to Submerge (Into) and this is now in the Holy Spirit: So • The Candidate is the Person • The Element is the Holy Spirit • The Baptizer is God. • The requirement or condition to be baptized into the Body of Christ. It is that we are sinner needing Jesus to forgive us and come into our lives. • The Requirement for the Baptism in Water is that we MUST be Born Again (Baptized into the Body of Christ). The Word of God says “Repent and be Baptized” (Acts chapter 2 verse 38) • The requirement for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is that we must be Born Again. If not yet Baptized in Water at the time of being Baptized in the Holy Spirit, water Baptism could and should follow. 1 Corinthians 12 verse 13 So by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, (First Baptism and this is hardly ever after Water Baptism) whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. This is the Re-Birth or Born again experience and while it is the least spoken of or debated it IS the VITAL first Baptism that ALL must experience before we go on to any of the other three baptisms. While Being Baptized into the Body of Christ is a MUST to get to heaven Water Baptism will not keep you out of heaven. It is also a sign to the non Christian that you have accepted Jesus into your heart and you are now obeying Him. Hence it is not done in Secret but in a Public Place (Jesus in the River for all to see). To receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is not compulsory BUT it is the RECEIVING of power and EVERY Child of God NEEDS to be ENDURED with this power. Just as NO deep or lengthy discussion is really needed for the Water Baptism even so for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is a Gift and all we need to do is receive it. It is to simply accept that the Word of God says it and it is an Act of Obedience. Too many people spend far too much energy debating the worth or right and wrong of it. It is amazing how many times when people give their hearts to Jesus that they say I want to now be baptized in water and without prompting and preaching they begin to enquire after the Holy Spirit. This is because OUR Spirits have been made alive to God and the things of God. Our eyes go open to the desire and commands of His word and this is always a good sign in a Christian’s life. Now we can see the PROCESSES with regard to BAPTISMS and how at different stages of a believer’s life it becomes a decision to believe it and obey it (Or Experience it). This is the sixth of the ten (10) studies and with each study we will aim at bringing us to a place of understanding that The Right/Wrong concept of Christian living is SHALLOW and that our lives need to be GOVERNED by PRINCIPLES. (The LAW of God to bring us to a PLACE living in Him). Remember the First VITAL Baptism is “Into the Body of Christ’ and the obvious second Baptism is in water. (This from the meaning of the word is clearly by emersion in water).The next Baptism is the Gift of the Holy Spirit and it is OPTIONAL. I firmly believe that it is an experience that every Child of God can and should have. The Disciples and other believers (120 of them) were told to wait in the upper room UNTIL they were endured with Power and it came to pass the Spirit of God fell on them and they all began Speaking in Tongues. This is a SURE sign that you have received the Holy Spirit. We see throughout the New Testament reference to receiving the Holy spirit associated with the Speaking in Tongues. This is not something to be FEARED but a wonderful EXPERIENCE. I was born again (Baptized into his Body, Baptized in Water and in the Holy Spirit at the age of thirteen (13) and MY life changed into a WONDERFUL life with God knowing and demonstrating the DYNAMICS of The Word of God. If you have NEVER received the Holy Spirit ASK God and He will pour out His Spirit on you. By grasping the deep rooted desire of the HEART of God for us, His children, will better equip us in Rightly Dividing the Word of God and in many senses it will bring us to places of decision and a Life Style that will be to the Glory of God. When we come to the END of this series it will only mean that we have been given a “Lot of Theory” and the challenge will be to look at each Principle and see how we allow ourselves to be GOVERNED by the Divine Word of God. The process of APPLYING this Doctrine and in Fact the Word of God in full is a LIFE long and ongoing experience. We are encouraged in the Word of God “That we henceforth are no longer children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and their cunning and craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Ephesians 4 verse 14). Can I encourage you to take these studies seriously and God will break to each one of us “The Bread of Heaven”. He will multiply this bread as he did the Loaves and the Fishes and we will be a PART of feeding the multitudes.

Stan Almendro

Doctrines of Baptism: Baptism into Suffering (Lecture 4 d)

Principles of the Doctrine of Christ !

From the Desk Of Stan Almendro Doctrine of Baptisms (Lecture 4d)

Into Suffering

This is NOT a STUDY for knowledge and should rather be seen as a call and challenge to understand the real issue of SERVING God and the responsibility that comes with it. In view of this, there is no questionnaire and suggest we take time to JUST soak up the intense demand of a Christian Walk. • Firstly we need to know that this Baptism is not optional and never debatable. • Secondly it is the design and desire of God that we reflect Holy lives (As He is Holy) • If we choose to live the WAY God wants us to, we will quickly learn the TRUTH about The Baptism into Suffering. • If we ARE not being baptized into Suffering we need to look at how we are living and ask ourselves why? • The EARLY church was persecuted and paid with their lives. • There was HOWEVER great growth and people’s lives were changed. • It would appear that Satan quickly saw that he needed to change his tactics and hence we are now LULLED into a comfort zone of Money Power and Sex. • Christian lives are NO longer challenged into a GODLY lifestyle and any preacher walking that road is branded as legalistic. • Jesus paid a visit to the Temple found them buying and selling and TOOK out a WHIP. • What would Jesus do in our modern church? • The fact that we continue in the DREGS of Sin, Money and False Power could be a sign that He is NOT in our Churches. If He was He would have CLEANED it up long ago. • Or is it WE are not hearing and NOT respecting His Holy presence? • Living in Sin ignoring marriage, greed and Status are far too alive in our midst and SOONER or later a CLEANING process will have to take place. This while it is NOT optional can also not be controlled by ourselves. It is as we choose to be different and LIVE a Holy life the WORLD will make us pay a price. The world feels far too comfortable in our presence. The WORD of God (And from the mouth of Jesus) is full of verses on the persecution and suffering and we list some of these verses for ease of reference: Mathew 20 verses 22 & 23 But Jesus answered and said, "You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" They said to Him, "We are able." So He said to them, "You will indeed drink my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with; but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared by My Father." Mark 10 verses 38 to 40; But Jesus said to them, "You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" They said to Him, "We are able." So Jesus said to them, "You will indeed drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism I am baptized with you will be baptized; but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared." Luke 12 verse 50 But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished!" Mark 8 verse 31; And He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. Mark 9 verse 12 Then He answered and told them, "Indeed, Elijah is coming first and restores all things. And how is it written concerning the Son of Man, that He must suffer many things and be treated with contempt?" Read the following PRAYERFULLY and see we find ourselves: "I have a baptism to be baptized with." Luke 12:50. Jesus is obviously referring here to His imminent suffering, as a baptism. The sufferings of our Saviour were a prophetic necessity. As it is written, "God before had showed by the mouth of all His prophets that Christ should suffer." (Acts 3:18) "It became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings." (Heb. 2:10) Suffering is an essential part of the qualification process for the eventual ruler ship of the world, and other glorious rewards, with Christ. There shall be martyrdom for some, and, at the very least, ridicule and rejection for others. As He said, "Yea and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12) Therefore, Paul said of Jesus, "for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame." (Heb. 12:2) Likewise, "If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him." (2 Tim. 2:12) Paul well said, we are "heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Rom. 8:17,18) Jesus' sufferings, and His alone, affect our redemption. But if we share in the fellowship of His suffering, we can anticipate sharing also in His reward. (Philip. 3:10-16) The resurrection and eternal life are not a reward, they are the gift of God. 1 Pet. 4:1, shows that the Baptism of Suffering is one of the rituals leading to our cleansing and perfection. I Quote, "Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind, for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin." Early in His ministry, Jesus said, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you and persecute you for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven." (Matt. 5:10-12) Later, when Jesus was asked by the apostles, James and John, if He would promise them specifically that one of them would get to sit on His right hand and the other on His left, in His glory, He asked them the all-important question. "Can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? And be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" And they said unto Him, "We can." (Mark 10:34-40) Arm yourselves likewise with the same mind. Folk’s need I say more and if YOU feel the CALL of God on your life to the MINISTRY and plan to ignore or leave out the Holiness of God then think again. As mentioned in the Introduction the series of studies comprise the following. At the end of each study (Except this study on the Baptism into Suffering) there is a Question Sheet available on request (Except this study) which needs to be answered and returned to Whisper from the Heart Bible College on a weekly basis. The series of studies are: • Introduction to the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ. Done • Repentance from dead Works Done • Faith Towards God Done • Doctrine of Baptisms 1. Baptism into the Body of Christ 2. Baptism in Water 3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit 4. Baptism into Suffering • Laying on of Hands • Resurrection of the Dead • Eternal Judgement Doctrine of Baptisms is the third foundational stones listed in Hebrews 6:1-3, after repentance from dead works & faith towards God. It is in many circles the most debated “DOCTRINE” and people spend so much time arguing (Or debating) the mode of the Baptism (Always referring to the Baptism in water) BUT the real issue should be To OBEY or not TO OBEY. Another issue lies in Human Nature to either NOT understand OR Not want to understand very basic truths of some DEEPER thought of what BAPTISMS there are that each believer should experience. Let us look at what BAPTISMS there are for each believer to experience. These BAPTISMS are” • Baptism into the Body of Christ • Baptism in Water • Baptism in the Holy Spirit • Baptism into Suffering In this Baptism the ELEMENT is suffering, the candidate is the believer and Now we can see the PROCESSES with regard to BAPTISMS and how at different stages of a believer’s life it becomes a decision to believe it and obey it (Or Experience it). This is the seventh of the ten (10) studies and with each study we will aim at bringing us to a place of understanding that The Right/Wrong concept of Christian living is SHALLOW and that our lives need to be GOVERNED by PRINCIPLES. (The LAW of God to bring us to a PLACE living in Him). Remember the First VITAL Baptism is “Into the Body of Christ’ and the obvious second Baptism is in water. (This from the meaning of the word is clearly by emersion in water). The next Baptism is the Gift of the Holy Spirit and it is OPTIONAL. I firmly believe that it is an experience that every Child of God can and should have. By grasping the deep rooted desire of the HEART of God for us, His children, will better equip us in Rightly Dividing the Word of God and in many senses it will bring us to places of decision and a Life Style that will be to the Glory of God. When we come to the END of this series it will only mean that we have been given a “Lot of Theory” and the challenge will be to look at each Principle and see how we allow ourselves to be GOVERNED by the Divine Word of God. The process of APPLYING this Doctrine and in Fact the Word of God in full is a LIFE long and ongoing experience. We are encouraged in the Word of God “That we henceforth are no longer children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and their cunning and craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Ephesians 4 verse 14). Can I encourage you to take these studies seriously and God will break to each one of us “The Bread of Heaven”. He will multiply this bread as he did the Loaves and the Fishes and we will be a PART of feeding the multitudes.

Stan Almendro